Celeb Spotting 🐐

It’s on bitch. Oh it’s fucking on. “bigger hitters” :smiley: bullshitter

Who: Leinster Rugby Football Team Manager Guy Easterby and Forwards Coach Jono Gibbes.
When: Friday, 18 July, 7pm - 10pm.
Where: The 51, Haddington Road, Dublin 4.
Wearing: Trainers, blue jeans, t-shirt combinations for both.
Other Information: Gibbes is a massive fook. Former AIL rugby football wing sensation Rocko didn’t know who he was until I pointed him out.

Who: Ger Gilroy
Famous for: He’s on Newstalk 106
When: A few hours ago
Where: The Long Hall public house
Demeanour: Hirsute
Other notes: Ger was wearing a t shirt and was slurping Guinness at the top of the bar, he went to the jacks twice.

Them rugby fellas are a spot.

Ger GIlroy is a spot aswell.

The Long Hall can go fuck.

Great porter in there

Whenever the cuntfuck of barmen get around to serving you.

Who: Leinster Rugby Football Team Manager Guy Easterby
When: Friday, 18 July, 3.30am.
Where: Outside Copper Face Jacks, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2
Wearing: Trainers, blue jeans, t-shirt combinations
Other Information: Easterby walked by the bouncers oustide of the corden thingy and the bald lad had a big welcome for him as if he was a regular in the place. He told him to come in but Esterby said he was off home. He had an average looking bird with him.

Who: Anthony Kelly.
Famous for: Being the brother of Southill Shebeen owner Francis Kelly and for attracting interest from the Sunday Worlds former crime correspondant, Paul Williams.
When: A few hours ago.
Where: Childers road, Limerick (near the Pizza Hut).
Demeanour: Shifty.
Other notes: I spotted Anthony as i made my way to Pizza Hut for a bite to eat. He was walking on foot alone and was looking over his shoulder.

Is he not in jail yet for shooting that young fella last year?

He tried to buy my gaff before me.

There hasn’t been a Friday 18th July in 2010. If this spot refers to prior or future periods then it’s outside the parameters of this thread I’m afraid.

Shite adjudication. Bandage gave an illegitimate date, probably as a test of your character, and you let it pass. Not on Mac’s watch I tell you.

Again the date is wrong. Secondly what time did you head into Coppers on Thursday night? You were posting on here. Did you mean Saturday morning?

The fucking standard here is a joke. Brian Tinnion would spin in his grave if he knew people were so shoddy.

He was very much at large this evening anyway…

Would you believe I was just typing the exact same thing Rocko. Link has been badly exposed here.

This doesn’t read well for Link at all.

Some startling revelations here this evening…

I can well believe it Mac. I’ve no desire to see a bloke losing his job in this economic climate but I can’t stand idly by and watch a great thread get destroyed by “light touch regulation.” Have we learned fucking nothing?

I’d nearly be sure Link must have worked in Anglo Irish at some stage of his career. This type of adjudication has all the hallmarks of an Anglo job.

Yeah sure you were.


There is no way that Tinnion started this thread on here. He wouldn’t have the confidence or intelligence. Is some of the older parts of it lost in cyberspace or something?

Thats a spot of a Rugby player.

If he says he spotted him on a particular night and myself and the Link adjudication team deem him to be a valid spot,and hes not wearing a scarf then hes a spot,im not one for worrying about dates etc.