Celeb Spotting 🐐

This http://www.thefreekick.com/board/index.php/topic/47-re-celeb-spotting/page__p__1578__hl__celeb__fromsearch__1#entry1578 appears to be a missing part of the thread but there are posts on this one that predate this. The forum lost a load of shit after one of the changeovers. I lost 40,000 posts after one of them.

This Kelly lad,hes a spot.

Who: Charlotte Flood [DJ on Phantom FM’s Pure Morning show]
When: At the funeral I was at on Saturday
Where: In my friends house in Kilkenny
Wearing: Jeans and a sensible enough top. It was a funeral after all.
Other Information: Turns out she is now the girlfriend of an old friend of mine. Very small world. I listen to that show on the way to work most mornings.

She is the blonde one here:

Photo doesn’t do her justice. Lovely girl. Very much an alright sort.

Never heard of her or her organisation…

English one isn’t it? she sounds filthy.

You’ve never heard of Phantom FM? You’re missing out bro.

Live 95FM will do me just fine thank you very much…

Ive never heard of her,not a spot.

Fuck off.

Here, I thought you were fucked out of this verification spot malarkey.
Do as Flano says, there’s a good lad.

She is kicked, a set of chompers on her that would eat an apple out through a letter box…

I have a few outstanding spots from the last 10 days but refuse to post them til Link’s reign of terror comes to an end


It’s a shame what this thread has become under Link’s ‘reign’.

Im running the celeb spotting show here on tfk.com,what i say goes,all the time.


Not as bad as what would happen if Mac was adjudicating it.


better the devil you know- for all of links faults the fact that Macparty is bessiers with Fooley suggests his judgement skills arent up to much

You took his adjudication badly farmer it seems.


Link is full of shit, still waiting for this ‘appointment’. Can some end this madness

comedian & DJ Dermot Whelan
Planet Futurama - Airside retail park
points of note- dernot dresses slightly younger than he should & he strkes me as a person who styles his hair

  • on a sidepoint - anyone else think these children parks should spend a lot more time segregating children on the basis of their age- sems to be a free for all- also anyone else think these children parks should spend a lot more time segregating children on the basis of their class- is it fair that a 20 month old upper class girl shares the same toys with a 4 year old working class boy- i think not

** fairly confident that ill have anothr spot tonight at PSLC