Celeb Spotting 🐐

have it your own way, lad. Maybe when the drink has you a little less addled you’ll take a different tack

[quote=“Fagan O, post: 9069”]

eh you forgot to say wen

[quote=“Fagan O, post: 9078”]

Grand we’ll leave it at that so.


[quote=“Fagan O, post: 9069”]

Riddled with errors.

Not a spot.

Get your act together bro.

P.S Welcome to TFK

Outstanding work farmer :clap:

Why thank you Mac.

high standards here alright Tony. I’ll do my best to get up to the level required

type in ‘farmer bike for sale’ into the search bar and you may get an answer to your question

[quote=“Fagan O, post: 9069”]

Not a spot.

Who drew this tool around the place?

Who: Gary Cooke
Where: Leahy’s Open Farm, East Cork
When: Yesterday afternoon, 14:21
Famous for: The small lad from Apres Match
Notes: Mrs. Locke came over to me to say that the guy from Gift Grub was in the next room. How she would have known what Mario Rosenstock looked like was beyond me so I was suspicious to say the least. But there was Gary Cooke, aka Eamon Dunphy off the telly so I forgave her as at least she was in the right ball park I suppose. Gary was with his family and was giving orders as to where they were to go and not to go. He speaks with a rale D4 accent. Didn’t see him for the rest of the day though.
Wearing: Black shirt, buttons were open to reveal a hairy chest, blue jeans. Didn’t get to see what brógs he had on.

Was just watching his impression of Brian Lenihan over the weekend. Absolute quality.

WHO: Ray Darcy
WHERE: Lower Mercer Street
WHEN: Circa 7-45AM Today
FAMOUS FOR: Playing with puppets on TV, going to radio, becoming the conscience of the dimwitted, having every clown in Ireland who can remember him on The Den text him in every banal thing that goes on in their lives, knocking up his co presenter and apparently dispelling any rumours about his lifestyle
NOTES: Mr Darcy was attired in bike riding gear, yet, inexplicably didnt seem to have any bike with him. I was going about my way absentmindedly as I do in the morning when I copped him, stared a little before I realised who it was and went on about my business. Mr Darcy stared back for quite some time also, perhaps recalling me from my time on Blackboard Jungle with him.

were you a dweeb?

Still am mate, still am.


I wonder were you up against MAD on it, he was a dweeb too.

What do you meam ‘was’?

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 9092”]
WHO: Ray Darcy
WHERE: Lower Mercer Street
WHEN: Circa 7-45AM Today
[b]NOTES: Mr Darcy was attired in bike riding gear, yet, inexplicably didnt seem to have any bike with him. [/quote]

Motorbike or pushbike?

He had cycling shorts on and a shitload of luminous gear, so I would presume cycling bike. He shites on about cycling the whole time on the show.