Celeb Spotting šŸ

Well played Mac. Linkā€™s reign of terror is over.

This was the thread that first drew me to tfk. I am in equal measure pleased that the stench of corruption that has hung over the thread has now been exposed but gutted that it should have been tolerated for so long

Ah lovely stuff from Mac here, he was waiting in the long grass all along. :clap:

The Link will surely have to step down now

It doesnā€™t matter his knell has knolled at this stage

A mate of mine was in the pub in listowel wednesday night said Davy was balubas in there

If it was the same ā€œmateā€ of yours who tipped that horse for you then we know just how good his word is.

I would think his position is untenable now. Willie Oā€™Dea stepped down for less when he accused some fella of running a brothel and then committed perjuryā€¦

Link get your hole in here and clean house FFS,Mac you are some loser to be fair. :lol:



COme on now ladies open your eyes here,he was TWICE over the limit for a breath test thats being carried out on all Jockeys in recent Years(remember Carberry failing it before) and he puts it down to a rinse of mouthwash that must have amounted to around 10ml of liquid being in his mouth for a second or two most likely close to an Hour before the test???

Its handy to be a teetoltaller in some professionsw.

Declan Moffett and now The Runt are raising question marks,doubts remain here so in short,fall in,Link rules still prevail around these parts.

hmm who do I believe here?

the normally reliable Indo


some barfly from south KK who natural state is being steamed to the gills, impugning one of the best pros in the game

Iā€™ll have to have a think about that one

So youā€™re calling him a liar?

Spotted Liam Sheedy in the Horseshoe Bar in Listowel last night.

Seemed like a right prick altogether

I spoke with two different horseracing folk today who both told me that Davy Russel is in fact a teetotallerā€¦

THats a prick.

Doubts remain.


you should not be on this thread anymore
