Celeb Spotting šŸ

fuckin hell- this thread has died a death

Who: Shane McGowan

Famous for: Former lead singer of The Pogues

Where: Outside Larry Murphyā€™s, Lower Baggot Street, 6.08pm today

Other notes: Shane was sitting outside aforementioned establishment partaking in some early evening refreshments in
the company of another gentleman.
He was in deep conversation and seemed in a jovial and convivial mood.

Thats a good spot.

Link, Iā€™ve a big red bump growing in the middle of my forehead. Itā€™s also a little bit green in the middle.

Is that a spot?

Nope its a zit,dont let this acne get you down son,its all part of growing up.

:lol: well playhed sir.

Journalist, broadcaster, newspaper mogul and staunch republican Damien Kiberd at the Swan Cinemas, Rathmines on Saturday night. Damo was seeing Wall St 2 with his missus and some skinny jeans and pointy shoes teenager that looked too young to be his own.

He was heard to mutter ā€˜ā€˜it wasnā€™t great was it? Not as good as the first oneā€¦ā€™ā€™ on the way out, and despite the great soundtrack and stylish shots of NYC, this poster was inclined to agree.

Thats a spot albeit presented in a shoddy fashion.


I am down in Dublin visiting friends for the weekend but who did I see only renowned Ulsterman Fergal McKinney. Ironic I suppose as never bumped into him at home yet as soon as I go down to Dublin who do I see only Fergal on the tear. Anyway here are the details
Who: Fergal McKinney
Where: Leeson Street Dublin.
Famous For: Formerly a media giant. UTV Political Reporter.
Latterly of course he was an SDLP election candidate in Fermanagh South Tyrone
Other Info: Fergal was with a female friend/lover. I chatted to Fergal as he was on his way out as I didnā€™t want to miss the opportunity to speak to the gentle giant. He was a warm individual but didnā€™t really take the hint that I only wanted a brief word or two as he hung around the table I was at for an uncomfortably long period. Fergal asked me what I was down in Dublin for and I shared my view on our chances against Biarritz tomorrow. Fergal didnā€™t appear to share the same passion for Ulster rugby as myself but this worked out well as he took it as an opportunity to head out the door and leave. A thoroughly pleasant individual nonetheless.

Thats a spot,he sounds like an alright sort who knows the score about rugby.


Who: Dominic West

Famous for: The Wire - Tv Show,Films 300, Hannibal Rising, Star Wars, 28 days

Where: Dingle

When: Saturday night between half 11 and 12.

Having climbed Mount Brandon,seen fungi and enjoyed a very pleasant day I decided to see what Dingle had to offer in terms of pubs and general revelry.After a bite to eat followed by a few pints I got the urge to have a cigerette.Stepped outside only to find Dominic in the company of 2 other gentleman.Was approached for a light and oblidged.
Pretended to not let on I knew who he was because I hate small talk and figured the reason a lot of Hollywood A Listers come to Ireland is because they can relax and not be the subject of idle gossip or photographed all over celeb mags.

Dingle is only a short spin for Dominic from his west Limerick abode

Often had a pint with Dominic in the Captains in Glin an alright sort to have a pint with it must be said.

These all happened in the last few weeks, so some details may not be spot on regarding timings etc

Who: Lachlan Murdoch
Where: Singapore Airport
Famous For: Being Ruperts son, being Mr Sarah Murdoch and also a completely useless business man
Wearing: Open neck shirt, jeans, brown boots
Doing what: Getting into his first class seat on our flight, bastard.

Who: Liam Oā€™Maonlai
Where: Heuston Station, Dublin
Famous For: His work with well known Irish folk / rock / beat / classical combo, Hothouse Flowers
Wearing: A brown corduroy jacket with green trousers and a burgundy scarf. And the worlds largest beard with hair everywhere, heā€™s a very hirsute man.
Doing what: Liam ran into the station in what seemed to be some panic at about 9.15am as we disembarked off our train. He went up to where the Portlaoise train was due (or had arrived) and started talking to himself. He then proceeded to use the public phone and seemed to be having a ā€œIā€™m in the big train place, where do I go and what do I do?ā€ type of conversation with someone, presumably Fiachna Oā€™Braoinin (from the same band, heā€™s the intelligent one). It was all very clueless and it looks like Liam has not quite caught up with the 21st century. Lets just say heā€™s never going to contribute to the What Mobile Phone do you have thread.

Who: Richard Hammond
Where: The Westbury
Famous For: Being the little fella on Top Gear
Hang on, actually, no, thats not a spot. If it was Clarkson, then yes, you could excuse it, but Hammonds not in any way significant. Apparently there was some non entity from an Irish boy band there as well, but I didnā€™t hang around as Mrs Fitzy wanted to go for a drink. Priorities.

More to follow

Not a spot,it was almost there but the picture you supplied with the spot shows this West fella wearing a scarf,its dissapointing but rules are rules.

Saw BC Hunt buy a monster bag of pickā€™nā€™mix in Blanchardstown centre on Saturday evening. I wouldnā€™t have put him down as a spot but he was worthy of a two page spred in the Mail on Sunday about his failed businesses, failed marriage, nose job and debts to the banks so I thought Iā€™d include him. He was carrying a GAME bag with some sort of console, was wearing a grey winter jacket and sporting a ridiculous half a haircut considering he owns a barbers. It was. Half a stepesque. He was in jovial humour with his wife obviously oblivious to the media storm that was arriving on the Mail on Sunday. Sorry did I mention the nose job? Ridiculous looking.

BC Hunt is the mouthy Dub from tā€™Apprentice.

Wayne Rooney and the missus at Manchester airport on the 3rd October. Didnā€™t look too happy.

Which of them didnā€™t look happy?

Potential for a fantastic spot there with some details/format, given the date and circumstances at the time.

Instead, itā€™s shit.