Celeb Spotting 🐐

Who: Blathnaid Ni Chofaigh, former RTE Afternoon Show presenter and celebrity bully
Where: No Name Bar (beside Hogan’s) Dublin 2
When: 2:00 am approx., Saturday November 6th, 2010
Any other information: I spotted a redhead walking into the smoking area who I thought was a lookalike for said spotee, but not the acual spotee. I mentioned this to a friend of mine. My friend promptly turned around to where the spotee was no standing and shouted loudly “Howya Blathnaid” at the back of her head. Blaithnaid turned around and said “how’re ya” in an embarrassed fashion. This incident also made me slightly embarrassed, and possibly also made my friend slightly embarrassed.

Thats a spot.

Who:Phil Hogan
Famous for:Hes a Fine Gael TD and front bencher.
Where:The front bar in Langtons,Kilkenny
When:Last night between around 10.30 and 11.30pm
Attire:dark slacks,light coloured blazer,white open neck shirt,black shoes

Other notes,he sat at the bar on his own for a good hour during which time he lowered a fair few glasses of red wine and constantly played with his mobile phone leaving it down and then picking it up and checking it every minute or so,he was enjoying some banter with the bar staff and chatted to an odd person passing by him but he cut a forlorn figure drinking on his own,you’d think he be able to find someone to drink with.

not a spot

agreed. nobody outside that miserable county would recognise this gobshite. This is as bad a spot as some ex Kilkenny hurler buying twenty Carrolls in the Spar in Thomastown.


Its a spot,the relevant authority has now dealt with this matter thus deeming no further discussion on the matter to be necessary.

He’s hardly a celeb now is he?

how is some bogger td a celeb you dicktard?

whats your definition of a celeb?

This raises the question again, is Link fit for the job?!!


Who: Pee Flynn
Where: Galway Clinic exit door.
Famous For: Struggling to run 3 houses, raising a class act, being pissed in front of a million people in 1999.
Wearing: Myrtle green overcoat, ankle length. Brown Loake type shoes.
Appearance Pompous and Cuntish.
Doing what: As I was walking into the clinic, the Giraffe from Castlebar was leaving the clinic accompanied by his wife Dorothy (2 feet shorter than him). He was pulling a samsonite piece on wheels after him. Despite the location he looked healthy and confident as ever. A bit of nip tuck no doubt.

Will the admins/mods ever just get rid of Link? It’s tiresome.

Thats a spot.

Celebrity: Thierry Henry
Famous for: Marrying Nicole from the Renault adverts, being a person of outstanding integrity.
Where: Crosby St., SoHo, New York City (his house)
When: November 6, 2010, 1.17pm Eastern Time

This might sound a bit stalkerish as it’s at his home but I haven’t had a spot since Robert Mugabe a few weeks ago so I’m going with it. I was out having a stroll in the SoHo area of New York City on Saturday morning, didn’t have anything specific to do just went there to grab some lunch and put in some time.

As some of you now know Thierry Henry has finally gotten a move to the big leagues and is now playing with the New York Red Bulls in the MLS (they were knocked out of the World Series on Thursday). It’s been widely published that Thierry spent somewhere between $10-15m on a penthouse apartment in the city, the address has also been widely published.

As I said above I had just been out for a stroll wandering aimlessly when I happened to find myself at the junction of Broome St. and Crosby St., I immediately recognized the building as being the one in which Thierry had purchased. I just looking up and admiring the building when the legend himself appeared on his balcony talking on a phone. I managed to resist the urge to wave, I also happened to be wearing an Arsenal jacket which may have made me look a bit like a stalker. Eventually had to move on after a few minutes as an NYPD uniform appeared to be checking me out.

He’s been using the subway and train to get to matches over here so he tends to move freely around the city without an entourage so I’ll endeavor to get a better spot at some stage.

Good spot, Tinnion

Spot Henry in a lap dancing club and you’re in the big time Tinnion

Live spot from PJ Clarke’s New York - Harry from Sex and the City. Picture and more details to follow.

Spotting a celeb in his own House is not a spot.

good spot, tinnion

Supporting photographs for my recent spots (1) Thierry Henry’s apartment. His is the penthouse on the top floor. It’s not the boarded up building. (2) The back of Harry from Sex and the City’s head from PJ Clarke’s last night.

Harry was on the company of another gentleman. I didn’t immediately notice him, however the excitement of the females in the bar at the time ensured I was quickly alerted to his presence. He seemed an alright sort and posed for a number of pictures with a number of women.

That’s top quality spotting Tinnion. The multimedia contributions are very welcome.