Celeb Spotting šŸ

Who: James Badge Dale
Where: NE corner of 52nd and Lex, New York, NY 10154
When: Sunday February 6th, 2010, 9am
Famous for: Playing one of the lead characters in The Pacific and Rubicon
Wearing: A no nonsense dark grey wollen jacket similar to what I wear to work during winter. The jacket was just the right length, halfway between the knees and the groin, unlike Jugā€™s undertaker jacket that goes below the knees.
Other notes: I was popping into the office to collect some mail when I spotted James, as it was early in the morning I didnā€™t have my camera at the ready to get a sneaky picture as I have been trying to do with my spots of late. James was walking slowly northwards on Lexington Avenue, looking reasonably grumpy and not quite sure where he wanted to go.

:smiley: :lol:

Great spot, Tinnion.

Great spots, Fagan.

Shame for all the muldoons that none of the boggers they saw in Clonmel are celebrities despite what that retard Link says.

[quote=ā€œBandage, post: 9761ā€]
:smiley: :lol:

Great spot, Tinnion.

Great spots, Fagan.

Shame for all the muldoons that none of the boggers they saw in Clonmel are celebrities despite what that retard Link says.[/quote]

Sir Mark Prescott is far from a bogger and is one of the biggest named celeb spots i have seen made in weeks.

Never heard of him. Not a spot.


The horsey trotting crowd tend to be very pro monarchy.

[quote=ā€œFagan O, post: 9757ā€]

They were on their way to work so they donā€™t count.

That lad is a spot.

If you Go back to page one youā€™ll find that doesnā€™t disallow them. If they were on stage Ibwould agree. But for example if you saw Brendan O Connor on the bus on the way to work that would be a spot.

Who: Alistair Campbell

Famous for
: being Director of Communications and Strategy to Tony Blair and had a major influence in deciding on behalf of the UK that Iraq supposedly had WMDā€™s.

Where: Oā€™Neills Pub, Suffolk Street.

When: last night Saturday at 6.30pm approx.

Other notes
: Alistair seemed in quite jovial mood and looked to be in the presence of one other person around the same age as himself. He was dressed in your typical smart casual gear and a number of people in the pub clearly recognised him.

Did you engage him in conversation Phil? He seems like an alright sort. Iā€™m slightly fascinated with him actually. Big Carlisle fan. Doesnā€™t like Adam Boulton much.


I really wish I did. I was only passing through the section of Oā€™Neills he was in and he seemed to be in deep conversation with the guy he was with. I didnā€™t have the guts to go up and interupt. Would have loved to have heard his opinionā€™s on the Malcolm Tucker charatcter from In the Loop!

Surely we should open a celebrity bothering thread for that kind of thing

Who : David Gray
Where : TP Smiths pub on Jervis Street
When : Saturday evening between 5 and 8pm
Famous for : Singing, songwriting, having one of the biggest selling albums ever in this country
Wearing : Brown shoes, dark jeans, brown t-shirt, beige/cream coloured sports type jacket

AOB : He was there watching the Wolves v Utd match. Had a bit of grub and a few pints of stout with one of his (I assume) friends while cheering on Utd. He took the defeat well considering he is from greater Manchester, better than some of the Irish tards who support Utd. Seemed a convivial sort and posed happily with several people for photos

Thats a fantastic spot Piles,ive seen him in concert a few times.

Do you visit that pub often Piles?

FFS. Does Pat Nail know you go to shit like that in your spare time, link?

Iā€™ve been in it a few times Link. Tis alright.

Donā€™t mind Bandage, Iā€™m willing to bet that he, as well as an awful lot of lads here, had or still has a copy of White Ladder, but turned against Gray when people started muttering about him being ā€˜miserableā€™ and now claim to have ā€˜never liked the miserable cuntā€™.

Iā€™d say Pat Nail wouldnā€™t be averse to belting out Babylon every now and then.

David Gray? Ah FFS, what a cunt :angry:

In other celeb spotting news, Danny DeVito is currently in Dublin, so if you happen to spot someone who looks remarkably like the Taxi star, it is indeed him.

Is his taller Austrian twin about as well?