Celeb Spotting 🐐

I passed this place ‘The 51’ while i was in the capital last week. I also passed a ‘Beggars Bush’. Do ye drink in these shit-holes?

Excellent work all round farmer. At what stop did Mr Honohan join the Luas

Cowper Fagan. That is his usual stop.

A couple of weeks back I was waiting for the inward Luas at one of the stops after Cowper. An outward Luas pulled up at the stop and Mr Honohan alighted. He then crossed the tracks and boarded the inward Luas I was waiting for and alighted at the Cowper stop.

It appears that Mr Honohan missed his stop at Cowper, got off at a subsequent stop and then waiting for the inward Luas to bring him back to Cowper. It should also be noted as well that he didn’t tag on or buy a ticket so he may have been breaking the law. However on discussion of the incident with the lads in the pub afterwards, it appears that he may have been in the same zone so wouldn’t have had to pay an additional fee.

Jaysus I hope it’s not another case of a regulator falling asleep on the job. Ideally you’d like your regulator to be alert enough to get off at his tram stop.

Excellent work KP. I spotted former Irish rugby international, current rugby pundit and celebrity asthma sufferer Frankie Sheahan on Wednesday but in view of the high quality of the above spots I will withhold it on quality grounds.

I am taking over the running of the Celeb Spotting thread.

When I say taking over I mean that there will be no adjudicator or adjudication committee and spots will not be verified by one single poster.

Members should post their spots and it is only natural that they will be debated without fear or favour by every and any other poster on the forum.

The Link is dead.

Long live the Celeb Spotting thread.

Do you not have a spot from last night, Bandage?


The Link Walsh was elected by a jury of his peers to be adjudicator of celeb spots on TFK and survived not one but two heaves to have him removed from this position. Only another poll where an overall majority votes against him can he and his team be removed. In short, Link rules still apply on the celeb spotting thread. Now fall in.

I do indeed.

Who: Former Irish football international and current RTE pundit Richie Sadlier.
Where: The Jackson Court Hotel, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 (near the area where carvery is served at lunchtime).
When: Last night, circa 2am.
Wearing: Black suit, white shirt (collar opened), black shoes - standard fare.

Other Notes: I spotted Richie coming in and said ‘There’s Richie Sadlier’ to nobody in particular and he heard me and looked over in my direction. I nodded at him and he nodded back. He then went about his business, which included an average enough young wan.


Easy there Bandage.
He hasn’t gone away you know.

A coup!

He hasn’t posted on this thread since 11th February. He clearly doesn’t give a shit. Now fall in.

When the Link returns, you will be first against the wall


Last night between 10.30 pm onward
Who . Joe Stack
Where . O’Donoghues on Baggot Street
Famous for . Being sports news correspondant, who has a permanant look of a man who has just sucked half a lemon, for our beloved national broadcaster
Wearing . Things n stuff
Demeanour . Lemon faced, like he always looks when he’s doing the sports news. Poor hoor looks like he’s just eaten cornflakes drowned in piss
AOB . Joe had a couple of britneys and at least one crafty harry ragg before disappearing from sight. Wasn’t close enough to ascertain whether or not he is an alright sort or otherwise, but he seemed to be a reasonably covivial chap, and those around him didn’t let on that he looks like this

I await the Link’s, [size=“7”]and only the Link’s[/size] verdict on this one.

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 9838”]

Chris De Burgh is a spot.
Sexton is a spot.
None of those banking cunts are a spot,hobbs isnt a spot either.

Here listen,under the Link rules that govern this thread no LOI soccerball idiots can qualify as valid celebrity spots on this thread,this Sadlier lad fits right into the LOI soccerball idiot tag,not a spot.

FFS, fuck off Link, your supposed rules no longer apply. Bandage has spoken and spoken well and he is the man. Now go away.

Joe Stack is a spot.

[quote=“Fitzy, post: 9856”]
FFS, fuck off Link, your supposed rules no longer apply. Bandage has spoken and spoken well and he is the man. Now go away.

Here Fisty,your manning up to me on this one is impressive :smiley: you should have rounded up a vote on this subject while my back was turned,since you failed to do so theres still just one elected Adjudicator on matters of celebrity spotting on this site,that individual is myself so fall in you arsehole :guns:

Bando my man,step away from the vehicle,yer done here.

this is quite sad