Celeb Spotting 🐐

Any sign of a jumper resting on the big man’s shoulders?


I was elected by my peers in a fair and free contest.

Now fall in. :guns:

Who: Ace RTE GAA man Marty Morrissey
When: Last night
Where: Kiely’s, Donnybrook
Wearing: A gormless curly head on him
Other Information: Marty bounded into Kiely’s and was greeted by a group of Brits at the bar, who enquired as to how the Committee Room went. Marty was delighted with himself anyway. These men I later deduced to be associated with RTE owing to them later being joined by my next spot

Who: Irish soccer legend Kenny Cunningham
When: Last night
Where: Kiely’s, Donnybrook
Wearing: Nice shirt and jeans combo. He looks younger now he finally decided to shave his head.
Other Information: Kenny bounded into Kiely’s and greeted the group of Brits at the bar, hollering away about bets he’d laid, possibly on the golf. I didn’t recognise any of the names he was shouting about as I don’t watch golf because it’s shit. Kenny was very boisterous and I thought he must have had a few jars but it seems he was just very excited. He drank coke throughout the night and discussed his fellow pundits and soccer in general with his companions. He seemed in very good form throughout. I contemplated approaching him to ask him did he remember the time I asked himself and Steve Finnan for autographs in Club92 but decided against it because I wasn’t really arsed. Besides, I was distracted by my next spot

Who: Davy Fitzgerald
When: Last night
Where: Kiely’s, Donnybrook
Wearing: A cuntish demeanour.
Other Information: I hadn’t noticed Davy was in the pub at all (not surprising considering his size really) until I, sitting at the bar, became aware of what I first assumed to be a small child to my left. I turned and it was an unsmiling Davy signing a hurl for one of the bar staff. The only thing I’d probably ever care to say to Davy would be something like “fuck off” or “get out of my way please” and as he was leaving anyway I said nothing.

Morrissey and Cunningham are spots.

Fitzgerald is not a spot.

I wonder did Davy bound into Kiely’s, or just kind of creep in

Does getting stuck into RTE weather girls count? WAHOOOO :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :guns:

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 10305”]
Does getting stuck into RTE weather girls count? WAHOOOO :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :guns:
[/quote]Of course


Tell us more Thrawneen.

Anyway - I have a spot from yesterday.

Who: Seamus Coleman
Famous for: Being a very good footballer
Where: Solis, Lough Eske Castle, Donegal
When: All day yesterday
Demeanour: Relaxed, chatty, sound
Other Notes: Seamus was attending the reception of a wedding in the hotel, like myself. He was wearing a big casing on his foot seeing that he got injured last weekend. He was chatting and joking with everyone and took our group’s good wishes to him very well with a warm shake hands and a tap on the arm. An alright sort.

Evelyn Cusack lads
dynamo in the sack
:pint: :wink:

:o :popcorn:

We’re gonna need more info here Thrawneen

:clap: :clap: :clap: :wub: What a forum this is!

Nah, nah, unfortunately not. It was one of her young proteges. I saw her and thought jaysis there’s that dinger who does the weather before Home and Away. Turns out she’s sound and receptive to my dubious charms. Doubt I’ll see her again but sure you never know. I have her number and actually like her and this is where I usually fall down so I’ll be looking for advice here from some of the more successful and confident guys on the forum on how to proceed.

Stop talking about it on the internet and ask her to meet up for a coffee or a beer Thrawneen.

Btw Cusack is bet.

Add her on Facebook or send a text? It’d be easier to ensnare her if she responds favourably to my friend request BUT she’d see all the photos of me acting the drunken clown and looking fatter than usual. A text on the other hand is easily ignored but it’s discreet. In knots here, lads.

grow a pair and call her tomorrow. women love confidence. texting is for cowards.

Call her? Wouldn’t have even considered it. The thread about her on boards.ie seems to indicate she was previously engaged so I don’t want to come on too strong.

Jean Byrne is it?! She loves the S+M from what I’ve heard

Joan Blackburn I’d say.

Who: Aprés Match star Gary Cooke
When: Today 14:00
Where: Superquinn, Sutton, Co Fingal
Wearing: A light blue collared t-shirt with navy sleeves and trim. Navy shorts that left little to the imagination. Brown runners.
Other Information: Not much to say. I spent ages taking mental notes on what he was wearing so I couldn’t get a good luck in his trolley because he seemed perturbed by my lurking presence. He did have a bag of potatoes in there and he perused the Herald while waiting in queue (at a regular checkout, he doesn’t use Superscan it seems) but didn’t purchase same.
