Celeb Spotting 🐐

Flashback moment: I had a slagging match with a begging drunk outside The Palace, it got a bit nasty after a while, but then we made up and he overed me a sip of his can. I declined.

Lot of beggars alright. I ignored them and that was it.

foad you intolerable fuckwit

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Tony Dorigo has arrived

“Chaps”- Do you use any other West Brit terms besides this one?

Wonderful stuff from the former Leeds full back. :clap:

Who: Film Director Neil Jordan.
When: Today, Thursday 22nd September 2011, 1.40pm.
Where: Baggot Street Bridge, Dublin 2 (near the intersection of Dublin 4)
Wearing: Black shoes, dark blue jeans, black coat.
Other Information: Mr Jordan, who had a fairly weatherbeaten look about himself, was walking in the direction of Ballsbridge (i.e. on a route away from the city centre) in the company of three other people - 2 men and 1 lady, all of whom seemed to be of a similar vintage to him. He was very much leading the charge in terms of pressing buttons at traffic lights and gesturing at them as to when to move & when to stop. They seemed contented enough to be following his lead. I was travelling in the opposite direction but spotted Jordan from 20 or so yards back. Our paths crossed and I can’t be certain as to where their ultimate destination was.

Who: Dermot “the Kaiser” Desmond and Martin O’Neill
Famous For: Ownership of Celtic and the mouthache, the latter for 2 European medals in obscure sport and for being a Derry minor
Where: Strolling out of the Hogan Stand Area of Croke Park
When: Circa 5.15 pm on 18 September
Dress: Corporate Casual/Polo match style
Demeanour: Friendly and casual
Other Notes; Desmond is short of stature, O’Neill has presence

Who: David McSavage
When: 9:40am yesterday
Where:Intersection of Adelaide Road and Leeson Street
Wearing: James Joyce style get-up
Other Information: McSavage was cycling up Adelaide Road and made an illegal maneuver to turn right up the one way turn off street onto the Leeson Street bridge. I don’t mind him too much, to be fair. He dresses like a bit of a dick though.

And speaking of dressing like a dick…

Who: Paul Galvin
When: Around midnight last night
Where: Walking up Camden Street and entering Cassidys
Wearing: You don’t even want to know.
Other Information: Paul was with a lady companion, not bad looking at all, though I’d several pints on me and it was dark so I couldn’t make a definitive comment on this. I was leaving Cassidys, standing outside contemplating where to dine, and called “hard luck Paul” to him. His ladyfriend tapped him on the chest and repeated this to him, motioning towards me in case he didn’t hear but he offered no reaction. I enjoyed my two slices of pizza from Burger Max all the more after this.

Who: All Ireland winning Dublin players Bernard Brogan and Denis Bastick
When: Today at 4:15pm
Where: Kennys pub Lucan
Wearing: Bernard - white button down top, jeans and white runners. Bastick - non-descript white t-shirt, jeans and white runners
Other Information: The lads were in Kennys for a very quick bite to eat. Denis was returning from Lucan Sarsfields where he had been showing off the Sam Maguire cup with Paul Casey and Kevin Nolan. Bernard met him to pick up Sam and transfer it to his home club Oliver Plunketts this evening. On arrival they headed straight to the food section at the back and asked the chef for something hot and really quick as they were in a hurry. The chef offered them hot chicken wraps which they accepted. Bastick put knives and forks down on one table but Bernard felt the seats did not offer a clear view of the Wolves Liverpool game so they moved down a bit and watched the game intently. They both purchased lucozades to quench their thirst as Bernard was nursing a rather large one from a party in Bucks Townhouse last night. Their food arrived promptly and they tore into it. Two dollies in their 30s approached them after their scran with kids in tow and the dollies were positively dripping chatting to Bernard while Bastick barely got a look in. After the Plunketts bash the lads have been invited to the Wright Venue tonight but weren’t sure if they were going to make it as they were bolloxed from celebrating all week. As they went to pay on departure the barman said ‘It’s on us lads, thanks for last weekend’. Berno gave him the thumbs up and they both got in Berno’s car with Bastick holding Sam in the passenger seat.


A late one here that I forgot to put up:

Who: Dublin all-time legend Kevin “Heffo” Heffernan
Where: Philipsburgh Avenue, Marino
When: Tuesday September 13th, 2011, circa 4:30pm
I had just picked up my All-Ireland ticket from the ticket office in Dorset Street and decided to go for a short cycle through the heartland of Dublin Football. Who did I see but the number one legend of Dublin football standing on the footpath talking to another elderly gentleman. Kevin had a walking stick with him.

Heart warming spot there Spidey.

Heffo must be a big age now Sid?

82 I think.

fuckin hell - bring link back

fuckin gga players all over this thread now

none of them are spots-

Don’t worry pal. I’ll be adjudicating tomorrow to tidy this thread up.

great stuff mate

Who - John Costello
Famous For - Being CEO of the Dublin County Board.
When - Saturday 24 September 14.50
Where - Main Stand, Anfield

Top quality work Baby.

Not spots. Disrespectful not to use the accepted format.

None of these are spots with the exception of former rugby footballer and renowned voucher for killers Mick Galwey and former Irish international Kevin Moran. The majority of rest are GAA players or nobodies and are not celebrities. Aussie Rules is an abomination of a game played by retards & followed by Irish retards who spent time in Australia. Anyone who plays this is certainly not a celebrity.

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 10484”]

Eoghan O’Gara, Michael Fitzsimons, Bernard Brogan Senior and Eamonn Fennell are not spots. I know you’re excited about Dublin’s win but cop the fuck on.