Celeb Spotting šŸ

I am sorry I hurt your feelings.

No worries, it was just an excuse to quote EB Farnum anyway


Nature of apology: brief, lacking in sincerity.


I fear you have built this up too much SS but in any case here it is.

Who: Star of Masterchef Ireland and Michelin star Chef Dylan McGrath
When: Last Saturday week@ 11am
Where: Leaving my house with my female housemate
Wearing: Whatever he had on him the night before on the Late Late show(jeans & a sports jacket I think). Dylan was also wearing that air of confidence of having got some the night before/that morning.
Other Information: Dylan arrived back with my housemate after she met him out and they enjoyed a few late night drinks before retiring to the bedroom. Disappointingly he did not stay in the morning and cook breakfast for the rest of us so I had to make do with some cereal and toast.

Good spot Ron. Very good.

But we are going to need to get some more information on your house mate, and her level of attractiveness.


Thatā€™s a great spot but as Farmer says more detail is needed.

Did you listen outside the door after they went to the bedroom?

Thraw is a bigger man than me.

SS was right to build that spot up, quality. :clap:

Think Iā€™m right in saying that Dylan was hammered during his Late Late appearance so would have had to be drunk to nail your housemate? Is she from home? If you see him again pass on my compliments about that steakhouse he owns off Georgeā€™s street, fine establishment.

Nice Ron, nice. You have intimated to me before that this wan is a bit of a starfucker.
We look forward to many more similar type spots from you.

Probably a 6.5 to 7 looks wise but a great body.

How very dare you Runt? It was long past my bed time when they arrived back in the early hours of the morning for a bit of a party first so luckily I got back to sleep before they got down to business. Dylan has a loud voice though.

No she is a randomer. I had actually turned off the telly when he and the other bloke came on the late late so didnt see his state of inebreation.

Well hopefully I can add one or two more before year end as I am probably moving out at that stage so will fill you in when you are home in a couple of weeks.

A great story, mate. One that needed to be told. :clap:

Now all we need is the royal assent and Bandage to rubber stamp this as a spot. It would be a truly shocking turn up for the books if this was deemed not to be a spot after all. I hope Bandage will do the right thing.

Bandage doesnā€™t approve spots.
He only rules spots as ineligible.

[quote=ā€œThe Runt, post: 10571ā€]

Bandage doesnā€™t approve spots.
He only rules spots as ineligible.[/quote]


Thatā€™s a shame. I always enjoyed seeing the spot validated probably more than the actual spotting of the celeb.

My adjudication methods can be challenged from 1 December 2011 onwards.

How about for good spots such as this, there is some sort of praise for the spot.

A Gold Star or 5 Star spot

What is the timeframe of reporting spots again?

Thatā€™s a good idea. A sort of spot rating system would add spice to the whole thing.

What a fucker, wouldnā€™t even cook breakfast. Cunt.