Celeb Spotting 🐐

Daniel o’Donnell. Dublin airport. He was having a pint, I was having pint , but not together.

A wonderful tale.

The end.

a far better spot than some no mark cook :clap:

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 10580”]Daniel o’Donnell. Dublin airport. He was having a pint, I was having pint , but not together.

A wonderful tale.

The end.[/quote]

Not a spot.

Invalid spot report format.

have you moved too quick? I thought live spots could be reported in such a manner until the spotter could report in more detail later. CM might clarify if it was a live spot or not.

[quote=“Gman, post: 10583”]

have you moved too quick? I thought live spots could be reported in such a manner until the spotter could report in more detail later. CM might clarify if it was a live spot or not.[/quote]

I’m not going to fucking go around guessing whether it was a live spot or not. If it was a live spot then he should have said so. For fuck sake. I’m seething.

bring back link

Bandage was far too hasty there.

Great spot of the chef and the idea of gold or five star spots is almost as good.

Who: Martin McGuinness
Famous For: Being Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, presidential candidate in the Republic of Ireland, chief negotiator for Sinn Fein in the lead up to the Good Friday Agreement, and for definitely not being in the IRA after 1974.
When: October 7th, 2011, between 4 and 5pm
Where: Shop Street, Galway.
Wearing: A sharp dark navy suit and red tie.
Other Information: I was exiting Dubray Books in the upper section of Shop Street when I noticed a commotion across the street. Spying a number of professional looking camera men I shrewdly deducted that a presidential candidate must be about, and I was delighted to see it was someone like McGuinness rather than a Mitchell or a Davis. McGuinness is taller than I thought and is in good shape for a man of his age. He mainly focused on groups sitting outside cafes who wouldn’t be his sort of people at all you’d imagine but they were young and were probably good to be seen with on camera. Some elderly men lining the street were highly amused when a Securicor van came rumbling down the street behind McGuinness and questioned whether he might rob it. He didn’t. For my part I focused on spotting Martin’s security detail and was not disappointed. One was a shifty looking character in a ‘Martin for President’ anorak who scanned the crowd constantly. The other was a massive fucker who put me in mind of former egg chaser Victor Costello. Victor eyed me nervously as I lingered in kill shot territory about 20 feet ahead of McGuinness. I briefly considered having a Travis Bickle style conversation with him but thought better of it and went about my day. On my return trip down Shop Street, Martin had vanished like it was Derry 1973.

Who: Mike Murphy
Famous For: Being a charismatic all right sort of a cunt.
When: October 2nd, 2011, 3pm
Where: Walking through the Pembrook district of Dundrum Shopping centre.
Wearing: Rich Brown heavy leather coat to the waist. Beige camel type trousers, leather ecco type shoes and to prove that the doesnt like the lime light… a blue baseball cap.
Demeanor: Pompous walking style. Rosy cheeked appearance, hands in pockets.

I also saw that little cunt Ray Darcy about 20 mins later. I stalked him for a few mins in the hope of getting a proper look at the mare Kelly to see if she is actually as bad as some of the photos Ive seen.

This is outrageous carry on . And to think I was one of your main advocates in the battle to oust link.

I am hurt and disappointed with you.

Document the spot correctly and have respect for the thread.

That’s all I ask.

Live Wanker Spot:
John O’Donoghue
@Limerick races

Who - John O’Shea, Shane Long, Stephen Hunt, Kevin Doyle.
Famous For - Being Irish international football players.
When - Today , 2.58 - 3.10
Where - Paddy Powers, Malahide.

I popped in to watch the 3.00 in Limerick and found the 4 lads taking a keen interest in the racing. There was plenty of banter being had between the locals and the lads.

It appears they spent the afternoon there because later on in the day a mate of mine got into conversation with O’Shea about how he backed his Legendary Times @ 14/1 the day he ran in Gowran. O’Shea told him to keep an eye out in the next couple of weeks for a 2 year old who will be running in the same colours for Eoin Griffin.

I don’t recall Darragh Maloney saying this but my mate insists that Maloney said during commentary that the Irish team were desperate to get back to Ireland from Andorra to watch the rugby the following morning. He put this point to O’Shea who laughed it off and said it would take alot more than a game of rugby to get him up at 6am.

By all accounts from today , John O’Shea is bang on :clap:

P.S - Stephen Hunt had a right cut off Minsk

Fantastic spot and report. :clap:

does o’shea speak in riddles?why wouldnt he give the horses name?

it was the sparrow who was talking to him mate. Possibly unnamed as yet if only a 2yo.

I’ll keep an eye out and let you know if I see him running

Surprised this fantastic account never received the high praise it deserves from the Celeb Spotting adjudicator.

Spotting a presidential hopeful on the campaign trail hardly deserves praise?

The Securicor van gag, the fantastic scene-setting and the Travis Bickle reference elevated it above the norm, for me anyway.

I thought he was dead, what does the live Mike do nowadays?