Celeb Spotting 🐐

Who Paul McGrath
Famous For: Being rather good at football, drinking, being honest and singing.
Where: Lower Camden Street
When: Around 1:50pm today
Wearing: Paul was dressed very well in a dark suit and shirt.
Other notes: While on my way to Zaytoon for a feed I was tremendously excited to see big Paul approach me. Unfortunately he was animatedly talking to a female companion at the time and it would’ve been the height of rudeness for me to stop him mid-conversation or call out to him. I absolutely demolished the Zaytoon, by the way.

Who: Mary Harney

Famous for: Ex PD leader, Ex Tanaiste, Ex TD
Where: 11am (local time) Aer Lingus flight between Barcelona and Dublin
When: Between 11am and 12.45pm (local time)
Other Notes: Mary was accompanied by her husband, Brian Geoghan. They sat mid way on the plane and Brian acted the gentleman by putting up Mary’s case in the overhead bin and ordered her to sit down. Mary took a good look around her before sitting down and smiled at those who made eye contact with her.

Who: Forum Favourite Vincent Browne
Famous For: Failing with Magill and having to sell his gaff in Dalkey
Where: In front of the Newman Building, UCD
When: Today, 1:55pm
Wearing Long grey coat and tidy enough hair compared to recent times and a slight grimace, entirely understandable as it was between lectures and the place was crawling with the despicable cunts which attend this college.
Other notes: I cycled back to work with a satisfied grin on my face having seen Vincent.

Who: Bryan ‘Dobbo’ Dobson


Famous for: RTE News presenter, the interviewer who brought poor Bertie Ahern to tears when discussing his separation
Where: Camden Street, Dublin (outside of Flannerys) walking in the direction of town
When: Today, midday
Wearing: Long brown coat and suit
Other notes: Dobbo was on his mobile. He seemed quite tense.

Who: John “The Bull” O’Donoghue
Famous For: Former Ceann Comhairle, TD and general representative of everything that was wrong with Celtic Tiger Ireland, money grabbing Fianna FĂĄil cunt,
When: Numerous times over this past weekend
Where: Prestbury Park, Cheltenham
Wearing: Mostly a light coloured suit with a red and white stripey tie
Looking: Very very shook, face was redder than normal
Notes: No surprise to see this cunt racing. He’s generally at every big meeting in Ireland or the UK. There was some satisfaction in knowing that he couldn’t have flown to this one in a government plane or helicopter and hadn’t hired a limo to drive him 5 mins to the course from state funds. Last time I spotted him was yesterday afternoon in one of the bars watching the Big Zeb race discussing Kerry GAA with some other red faced, hick looking, Irish man. I can only assume it was another Kerry man. He doesn’t look the greatest at the moment. Maybe the toll of his expenses scandal and subsequent resignation as Ceann Comhairle has caught up with him. He seems a big fan of texting as he always had the phone in his hand anytime I saw him. From what I could see it was some kind of old style Nokia.

Is Mary not on the list of people we’re not allowed mention on TFK? Like the spastic from Tip and the drug cheat amongst others…

Who: Irish footballing legend Kevin Kilbane, former Irish manager and captain fantastic Mick McCarthy and Darren Gibson.
Famous For: representing their country in association football.
When: 7.30am Wednesday 16th November.
Where: Dublin airport.
Wearing: Kev - white shirt and very tight grey jeans and black jacket, Mick - dressed smartly in navy suit with stripped shirt, no tie, Gibson - white round neck tshirt and ripped jeans that the kids wear today.
Looking: Kev - extremely shook! Mick - looked quite fresh, Gibson - very annoyed/angry.
Notes: Gibson was my first spot. As I was making my way towards the departure gate area he steamed back past me with a nice little blonde not far behind but struggling to keep up. There were many expletives coming out of his mouth whatever had happened/was happening. It made me smile.
Kilbane was next to make an appearance. He arrived and was waiting for the same flight as myself. He just kept staring at his phone and looked very much worse for wear. He was kitted out in the same clothes he was wearing in the picture of him in Irish dressing room on another thread except for the Irish jacket was replaced with a black jacket. All things considered I suspect Kevin had not been to bed and was very shook.
Having boarded the plane, i then saw Kevin making his way to his seat with Mick McCarthy. They sat a couple of rows in front of me they were both in aisle seats and had a good chat while our flight was initially delayed for about 20 minutes but then about 10 minutes after take off Kevin was catching up on some much needed sleep while Mick read the Irish times.

Who: Keith Wood
Famous For: Wearing a poppy, being hated by Puke / Chewy Louie, BBC & Today FM Rugby Analyst, Former Ireland and Munster Hooker & Captain
When: Yesterday evening 7.15pm
Where: Trinity College, Dublin 2
Wearing: Black jacket (hooded), white runners, shorts
Notes: Keith was partaking the the ‘Run for Mark’ around Trinity college, as was I. As I walked to the start I noticed him in front of me. He then put his hood up to protect him from the rain like a wuss. That was the last I saw of him for the evening thankfully.

Unlucky Mac.
Bit more training and you might be able to keep up with a 40 year old ex-hooker

:lol: cunt

Who: Andy Burton, he of the ten mobile phones
Where: Rajoka Plaets, Tallinn, Estonia
When: Friday November 11, circa 15:00 hours Estonian time, just two months, 20 days and nine hours before the transfer window shut.
Demeanour: professional
Any other business: I shouted “he’s got ten mobile phones, he’s got ten mobile phones” at Andy. I don’t think he heard me or at least if he did he showed his true professionalism by pretending not to hear it.

Who: Ana Ivanovic
Where: Australian open (golf), the lakes club sydney
When: last Sunday
Wearing: Skinny black jeans, oversized white sun hat, oversized sun glasses
Any other business: was following her boyfriend adam scott. She is very tall and very slim. she had some kind of a contraption with her that looked like a walking stick but opened up into a one legged stool.

I adore Ana Ivanovic. :wub: :wub: :wub:

A few fairly bland spots from the last few weeks.

Who: Marty Morrissey

Famous for: GAA commentator and for being one handsome man

Where: Liffey Valley Cinema, Dublin and Eddie Rockets (after movie)

When: Monday October 31[sup]st[/sup]

Other Notes: Marty was in enjoying “The Ides of March” with a lady friend after working that day for RTE on the marathon. He was happily tucking in to a very large popcorn and mineral. This didn’t seem to affect his appetite however as 2 hours later Marty was mucking into an Eddie Rockets meal. At this stage I think Marty noticed me clocking him a few times so averted my staring back to the lady in my own company. Finally, Marty is punching well above his weight with his other half.

Who: Paul Kimmage

Famous for: former cyclist and now journalist. Did I hear he got fired from the Sunday Times recently?

When: Tuesday November 8th

Where: early Aer Lingus flight to Heathrow

Other notes: Nothing really to report. Paul was making his way down the aisle to his seat as I spotted him coming in my direction. Paul has an intense demeanour about him – maybe he was going to London to collect his P45.

Who: Ivan Yates

Famous for: former FG minister and now radio broadcaster

When: Friday November 11[sup]th[/sup]

Where: Dame St, Dublin.

Other notes: Ivan was crossing Dame St with his wife (I assume) heading towards the general direction of Brogans pub. It was 7.20pm… he was walking fast…myself and chocolatemice were walking fast. Ireland’s historic victory over Estonia was only minutes away from starting and it seemed the whole town was in a hurry to get into a pub. Ivan seems quite tall from our momentary passing of each other.

[quote=“Phil Leotardo, post: 10633”]
A few fairly bland spots from the last few weeks.

Who: Marty Morrissey

Famous for: GAA commentator and for being one handsome man

Where: Liffey Valley Cinema, Dublin and Eddie Rockets (after movie)

When: Monday October 31[sup]st[/sup]

Other Notes: Marty was in enjoying “The Ides of March” with a lady friend after working that day for RTE on the marathon. He was happily tucking in to a very large popcorn and mineral. This didn’t seem to affect his appetite however as 2 hours later Marty was mucking into an Eddie Rockets meal. At this stage I think Marty noticed me clocking him a few times so averted my staring back to the lady in my own company. Finally, Marty is punching well above his weight with his other half.[/quote]

Not a spot.

Outside the two week spot report window.

[quote=“Phil Leotardo, post: 10633”]Who: Paul Kimmage

Famous for: former cyclist and now journalist. Did I hear he got fired from the Sunday Times recently?

When: Tuesday November 8th

Where: early Aer Lingus flight to Heathrow

Other notes: Nothing really to report. Paul was making his way down the aisle to his seat as I spotted him coming in my direction. Paul has an intense demeanour about him – maybe he was going to London to collect his P45.[/quote]

I believe you’re the only person in a position to answer that poser.

FFS Bandage. I’ve being horsed out of it with work in recent months and had being waiting to find the time to diligently post these spots and you come along on a power trip.

I deserve better.


Would a Miss Earth contestant qualify as a Celeb Spot or would it be more a Lovely Ladies post?

What’s Miss Earth, Ron?

Is it similar or different to Miss Universe and Miss World?

Phil, there would be anarchy here without rules.

I appreciate you’re busy but please abide by them.