Celeb Spotting 🐐

Ex-Limerick Hurling Manager and general all attention seeker Tom Ryan

Location: Limericks Market Quarter

Dress: Sensible trousers, pattern jumper (predominantly wine) with pale coloured shirt underneath

Occasion: Seems to have been doing a spot of shopping in the market area as he was holding a brown paper bag.

Suspicions: He may have been coming from any number of shops although there is one rather “risqu” shop very close to where I spotted him

Observations: There are railings on the footpath in that area to stop people crossing the road in dangerous spots and holding up the traffic. Tom obeyed these railings and went at least 10 yards off course to allow himself to cross the road in a safe and sensible manner. That’s our Tom, never one to cause an unnecessary hold up.

Desailly is a great spot, top of my list at the moment.

Puke, see Runts post, see what you’ve started?!!!

Whats a jbl? Is it some sort of fellatio act?

[quote=“The Runt”]Ex-Limerick Hurling Manager and general all attention seeker Tom Ryan

Location: Limericks Market Quarter

Dress: Sensible trousers, pattern jumper (predominantly wine) with pale coloured shirt underneath

Occasion: Seems to have been doing a spot of shopping in the market area as he was holding a brown paper bag.

Suspicions: He may have been coming from any number of shops although there is one rather “risqu” shop very close to where I spotted him

Observations: There are railings on the footpath in that area to stop people crossing the road in dangerous spots and holding up the traffic. Tom obeyed these railings and went at least 10 yards off course to allow himself to cross the road in a safe and sensible manner. That’s our Tom, never one to cause an unnecessary hold up.[/quote]

that is one hell of a spot runty…

Two from this morning around Dublin City Centre:

Who: Denis Hickie
Famous For: Playing rugby for Ireland and Leinster. Having no hair.
Where: Walking up a stairs in a hostel on Aungier Street. I was on a bus driving by but he was clearly visible.
Wearing: Some sort of black top was all that could be conclusively seen.
Company: None
Other into: The hostel is soon to become a ‘Bald Balista’ apparently and the picture of the bloke on the notice for the ‘Bald Baltista’ looks remarkably like Mr Hickie so maybe this is a venture he is behind.

Who: Tom Dunne
Famous For: Ex lead singer of Something Happens. Exc preenter of Pet Sounds on Today FM. Current presenter of some show on Newstalk.
Where: Walking down Dawson Street in the direction of Trinity College
Wearing: Shirt, jacket, jeans and shoes
Company: None
Other into: Mr Dunne was smiling to himself ridiculously as he walked past

Good spot, Mr Dunne is constantly smiling though.

One from today at lunchtime:-
Who: Ex-Ireland rugby player, Leinster manager and Fianna Fil TD Jim Glennon
Where: Standing outside The Pembroke on Pembroke St, Dublin 2.
Wearing: A grey suit and white shirt combination (open collar and no tie).
With: A random gentleman who was wearing dark trousers and a blue shirt. This man was also sporting a beard.
Other information: Jim was chewing gum and the two men swapped cards (I would venture they were business cards) and Jim put the card he received into his inside suit pocket (left breast area).

[quote=“Bandage”]One from today at lunchtime:-
Who: Ex-Ireland rugby player, Leinster manager and Fianna Fil TD Jim Glennon
Where: Standing outside The Pembroke on Pembroke St, Dublin 2.
Wearing: A grey suit and white shirt combination (open collar and no tie).
With: A random gentleman who was wearing dark trousers and a blue shirt. This man was also sporting a beard.
Other information: Jim was chewing gum and the two men swapped cards (I would venture they were business cards) and Jim put the card he received into his inside suit pocket (left breast area).[/quote]

Might his friend have been the guy fifth from right in this picture?

from this evening.
where: coppers
when: between the hours of midnight and 3am
who: pretty much half the leinster team past and present
horgan, d’arcy, driscoll, corrigan, mccormack, blaney, o’kelly, gleeson

with: various over-weight ex-rugby types,

doing: fighting off the advances of numerous vapid blow-dryed perma tanned bunny boilers, and dodging insults from lads in munster jerseys

other information: reggie could probably still hold down a scrum, and may well still be a better option than horan at this stage. he’s also an absolute gent and a surprisingly good dancer for a big man. (let the girls decide that one for me)

btw: looking around me, considering they’d just been held scoreless and beaten up a stick on their home turf by their closest rivals, i had to ask, where’s the hurt boys?

P.S. in spite of the stiff competition, and having fought off the attention of an absolute troll from cork, (i’d sooner have gotten a bite from a badger), i put sufficient distance between me and “the goys” before finally settling for a teacher from donegal. enchanting accent. pity about her morals, but it leaves me free to type this while the memory still lingers.

added bonus: all credit to economic recessions, but if this is the standard to which this bastion of dublin social life has sunk to, it is indeed a sad day for ireland. could be a cold winter.

[quote=“treaty_exile”]from this evening.
P.S. in spite of the stiff competition, and having fought off the attention of an absolute troll from cork, (i’d sooner have gotten a bite from a badger), i put sufficient distance between me and “the goys” before finally settling for a teacher from donegal. enchanting accent. pity about her morals, but it leaves me free to type this while the memory still lingers.

i love that donegal accent

Who: Lucy Kenneddy
Where: Dublin airport, 8.00 am Sat.
With: some baldy fella,
Wearing, blue jeans, black jacket!

When: Sunday, September 28.
Where: Crowe’s Pub, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
Who: RTE Sport Television’s Evanne N Chuilinn in the company of Kildare footballer Dermot Earley.
Other Information: Evanne and Dermot strode into the bar together and Dermot immediately went downstairs (presumably to the gents’ toilets) leaving Evanne to order at the bar. Dermot returned upstairs and briefly spoke to Evanne at the busy bar before strolling over to near where we were sitting.
Interaction With TFK Members: Dermot then proceeded to take out his mobile phone and I can only assume he was in the process of informing some friends of their whereabouts judging by the fact he leaned over and asked us, ‘What’s the name of this pub?’ We replied in unison, ‘Crowe’s’ and he said ‘Thanks’. Then Evanne came back from the bar and they moved over and stood by the window.
Wearing: Evanne was wearing a blue jeans and white cardigan and Dermot was wearing a blue jeans and an Abercrombie and Fitch navy t-shirt with the number ‘92’ emblazoned across the left breast area.
Finally: We decided to have another cheeky pre-game pint at about 6.30pm and Evanne and Dermot left at this point. I would wager some turnip muncher from Munster made some offensive comment to Evanne judging by the way she stopped, turned around and gave this lad a filthy look on her way out.

Fuck the Begrudgers i.e. farmer, bandage and NCC

the spot of the year was had by me yesterday…in your face ye begrudging cunts…

location: the gents toilet in the Old mill bar and restaurant, o briens bridge
time and date: yesterday around 4 p.m
celebrity: pat shortt
pat was wearing a navy blue tommy hilfiger shirt…once i saw him i asked him was he “straining the spuds” which he found very amusing and came back with the most wittiest of retorts “well im hardly here for the fishing”…

[quote=“The Puke”]the spot of the year was had by me yesterday…in your face ye begrudging cunts…

location: the gents toilet in the Old mill bar and restaurant, o briens bridge
time and date: yesterday around 4 p.m
celebrity: pat shortt
pat was wearing a navy blue tommy hilfiger shirt…once i saw him i asked him was he “straining the spuds” which he found very amusing and came back with the most wittiest of retorts “well im hardly here for the fishing”…[/quote]

who’s pat shortt?

only the finest comedian this country has ever produced…


stumpy Irish comedian in a jacks,


World Cup, European Cup and numerous league winning international player Marcel Desailly in a stripclub.

close one…

[quote=“The Puke”]only the finest comedian this country has ever produced…


Never heard of him…

Was he part of some group called d’unbearables?

Who: Pat Shortts brother
Where: Pat Shortts brother’s pub
Dress: Pat Shortt’s brother’s pub shirtt*

*not a typo


God almighty Puke. When you said that this was the spots of al spots I was expecting Barrack Obama at the very least.

Shortt has tarnished himself forever with that so-bad-it-can’t-be-expressed-in-words Killinaskully shite.

They’re coming down hard on ya Pukey!! I think it was a good spot if a little too well trumpeted