Celeb Spotting 🐐

Live spot: Anne Doyle, former RTE newsreader in McGrattans Baggot Street

Anne is supporting Mayo today but has wished all at the final today all the best.

Anne is semi-gee eyed at this early-ish hour

[quote=“Arseboxin, post: 11700”]Live spot: Anne Doyle, former RTE newsreader in McGrattans Baggot Street

Anne is supporting Mayo today but has wished all at the final today all the best.

Anne is semi-gee eyed at this early-ish hour[/quote]

She practically lives there i believe.
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Her partner owns the place.

This Rocko & Enda Kenny spot is giving me a great deal of trouble. While I appreciate he is the leader of the country and it was a live spot with a good level of interaction, but I’m loathe to give high ratings to politicians, as it’s their job to be seen in public and interact where possible. I may need 24 hours to come up with a rating on this one.

I saw Lucinda Creighton on Jones’ Road at around 1pm yesterday. I was strolling towards the ground and she was heading back towards Gill’s Pub. I turned around to check the view from behind and it didn’t surprise me to see that she’s got a very large bottom. That spot was usurped by my subsequent spot of legendary former Waterford football manager Jackson Kiely.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 11704”]. That spot was usurped by my subsequent spot of legendary former Waterford football manager Jackson Kiely.

Now that’s a spot 3.5/5

I’ve seen a glut of minor celebs (Robert Ballagh, David Davin Power, prosaic celebs like that) in the last few days but I’m only relaying my favourite one.

Who: Mike Murphy
Where: Irish Film Institute, Cinema 3, Dublin.
When: Today, 6.10pm
Other notes: I had already taken my seat in Cinema 3 to see ‘Killing Them Softly’ when Mike and a male companion of about the same age appeared and Mike sat in beside me, with just one empty seat between us. Mike is sporting a bit of a belly these days, which surprised me as I always thought he was pretty trim. He had a pair of glasses hanging from a string around his neck. I was only able to earwig a few snippets of his conversation with his companion, the guts of which appeared to be how good a film director Sam Sheppard is. The cinema then went quiet as the main feature began. Mike didn’t let himself down with juvenile cinema behaviour like eating or talking. He laughed heartily as some of the lighter moments of this violent film, especially where the character Kenny (who looks like thedancingbaby) tries to rob the dollar tip and Brad Pitt tells him to put it back. At the conclusion of the film, Mike expressed his satisfaction with the film quite audibly. He got out before me but having out walked his companion down the stairs he stopped at half way to wait for his tardy friend. At this point he looked directly at me, giving me a nodding smile while I acknowledged him with an unnecessary ‘thank you’ as I brushed past on the stairs.

You said thank you to a celebrity/property developer for smiling at you. Puke had your number alright. You truly are an Uncle Tom.

I am a self-proclaimed Uncle Tom as my avatar surtext attests but I didn’t thank him for smiling, I thanking him for shifting half an inch back as I squeezed by.

ill give you robert ballagh

none of the rest of them are spots

Who: Much loved parlour game choke artist, Jimmy ‘the Whirlwind’ White
Where: Dublin airport
When: 4.45 pm today
Aob: Jimmy had obviously just arrived and was walking out of the terminal as I was walking in. His attire consisted of a black suit, black shirt sans tie or neckerchief of any description and a flat cap, also black. He briskly went on his way, maybe to a funeral, who knows.

Also :pint: :clap: :pint: :clap: :pint:

Who: Almost all of the victorious Kilkenny hurling panel
Where: Pat Carrolls pub, affectionately known as the Bucket of Blood, just across the road from the side gates of the Kilkenny army barracks
When: Between 2 pm and 5.30 pm yesterday afternoon
Aob: The lads were in, continuing the celebrations and watching the match properly for the first time since Sunday. The craic was good and the mood was champion, just champion :clap: :pint: :clap: :pint:

Not a spot, those lads don’t consider themselves celebrities so how can you?

Jimmy White is a celeb alright, and a gent. Met him in Grants niteclub many moons ago, had a few bevvies with him and a cheeky james blunt. Gas fucker is Jimmy. A legend.

Jog on no-mark. Your opinion counts for fuck all around these parts.

Jimmy White is a wanker but that’s a decent spot. You won’t get the KK team celebrating over the line as a spot, too much of a common place occurance to qualify I’d say.

You could be right mate, we’ll wait and see.
It was the salubrious surroundings that made it worthy of a mention for me.

That’s remarkable SS-I had lunch at the table next to Mike Murphy only 2 days ago in Monkstown. After a few nods and ahems at our large gathering, 2 of the younger people at our table didn’t know who he was. When it was quietly explained to them, they then very loudly discussed how poor the new RTE hidden camera effort was which lead to a few glances towards our table from Murphy who had a knowing smirk on his face the smug cunt.

eating at a cinema is disgusting, i covered this in depth in the things that are wrong thread

none of the stick hurlers are sports
normal people wouldnt recognise them

apart from shelfington as people might know him from the lucozade add

Id say the crack over the finches orange discussing tomorrow nights club training was savage all right
Did Walter walsh stand up and sing a song, Michael Fennelly cracked a few jokes and said " i suppose" multiple times.

Was there a bunch of freaks like you accross the bare staring at them saying things to other simpletons like " ok look there is " and pretending to know these weirdos by addressing them by their first name in conversation or by their GGA nickname,

these people are not celebrities mate.
They are village idiots and social rejects.
Get over it

in fairness to KK hurling they are decent enough to allow that simpleton waler wlash pal around with him- his carer must love the time off