Celeb Spotting 🐐

With his shock of white hair, he’s easy to spot SS, many’s the time I’ve seen him knocking around Surry Hills.

MGG - I stood behind Nicole Kidman in a queue at a coffee shop in Sydney a few years ago.

Of course, I’m just hanging out for the day I spot The Puke…

Of course, I’m just hanging out for the day I spot The Puke…[/quote]

you will have to come back home fitzy…i won’t be going to oz any time soon…t’would be no bother locate me if you wanted to;)…

[quote=“Fitzy”]With his shock of white hair, he’s easy to spot SS, many’s the time I’ve seen him knocking around Surry Hills.

MGG - I stood behind Nicole Kidman in a queue at a coffee shop in Sydney a few years ago.
Of course, I’m just hanging out for the day I spot The Puke…[/quote]

Well if you’re able to graft one from before you joined the tfk family then I’m upping your rear view of Nicole Kidman with actual conversation.

Sean Penn: Bad Bobs 92’93, he was there with Jim Sheridan and local club owner/ band promoter/ PR man (my cousin so he’ll remain anom) had a great night. It was just after the We No Angels movie with DeNiro, great Cracic. I’m taller than him.

Kenny Rogers: back stage at the point depot 1990. (Italia 90 filling the green room) Playing Pool with the roadies: Dubs who were so full of themselves they didn’t realise that they were playing with someone who spent 2 yrs in UCC with a cue in her hand. He said I should move to Chicago.

and people say i am ruining this thread…cop on maire you vile minge bag…

vile minge bag?
what did I do?

Right you are MGG -

Craig Charles (Lister in Red Dwarf) bought me a pint one Saturday night in the Portobello.

And (wait for it) - I once went on a date with Andrea Roche.

Beat that (as if you could…)

(oh, and I met Nicky English once, but he was a total knobend)

[quote=“Fitzy”]Right you are MGG -

And (wait for it) - I once went on a date with Andrea Roche.


your getting worse than dancarter around here telling tall tales:D…

I might leave off on that Puke, you know that whole thing about not wanting to meet your hero’s in case they disappoint you and everything…

Hey lads, piss of and read the rules of this thread. It’s bad enough with Puke’s antics

trust me fitzy my lad you wouldn’t be disappointed:p…

Marcus Sweeney is one of the best known men about town in Dublin MGG. Stop dissing my celeb spots, I can empathise with The Puke in this regard.

Ladies and gentlemen, please adhere to the rules - this is not a ‘list all the celebs I’ve ever met’ thread. I can accept the odd mention of such a prior celeb encounter in passing if it relates to an actual valid current spot. However, spots must be within the immediate prior 2-week period as has always been the case.

dirty bitch…

leave me out of it you fookin mucksavage windowlicking clare coont :stuck_out_tongue:

Rules? how the fuck are there rules to a thread like this? Jesus H…

Where does he drink?

read the first page fitzy…although there is a lot of ambiguity in the rules which has yet to be cleared up;)…

Yeah, and would you mind not comparing me to that DanCarter lad?

(howya Dan!):slight_smile:

I only did it 'cause Fitzy made me.

anyway 'tis all Art’s fault.

Well fcuking said, people dragging up Sean Penn from years ago is flagrant abuse of the rules. I mean you don’t hear me bringing up Paul Darragh or Kevin Moran.