Celeb Spotting šŸ

I saw Mick Wallace as I was strolling along South Main Street in Wexford town yesterday morning at 11.30am. He was standing in Geogheganā€™s Jewellers and looking at some sort of sculpture thing they have in their shop. He was wearing that pink polo shirt he always wears and blue jeans.

Isnā€™t he just a builder in need of a haircut Bandage?

Do you not like long hair?

I like my girlfriendā€™s long hair. It is also acceptable on sixties icons, Gerd Muller and Paolo Maldini. A tin pot Wexford builder with a football delusion and an over precious attitude towards his ā€˜field of dreamsā€™ doesnā€™t fit into any of those catgories.

Wexford Youths were correctly awarded the 3 points after Limerickā€™s refusal to play. Let it go Shannonsider**.

I didnā€™t know that Bandage as I was away while this kangaroo court awarded the points. Of course there will be no deduction of points from the real criminals of the league fixing matches this weekend. I salute Limerickā€™s stand for justice, Wallace is a berkshire hunt.

Who: Oisin Fagan
Where: Portmarnock Soccer Club HQā€™s
When: Friday 17/10/08 (as well as numerous other occassions)
Oisin was playing in astro turf match. He was fortunate enough to be on my team. Decent enough player with fair bit of bite. Had one nasty collission with player from oppossing team on the night but was an accident. Have played with or against him on a good few occassions. Runs home after the match and hopefully this extra fitness boost will serve him well when he fights Khan in a couple of weeks. Sound fella.

Gauge his fitness for us Larry - From seeing him play a bit of ball what round do you think heā€™ll knock Khan down in?

Iā€™m going to go for a ninth round victory. His fitness is more endurance based rather than fitness which is just based on short bursts. While he will pepper Khan with short quick punches repeatedly it will be his overall level of endurance fitness that allows him to excel in the later rounds throwing several unanswered punches. Iā€™d like to think I have played a significant part in his eventual success.

I read somewhere that Mick Wallace supports both Juventus and Torino. Is that true?

My first official Qualifing Celeb Spot

WHO: Tall one from Apres Match, married to Flo McSweeny
WHERE & WHEN: Check in at Almeria
OUTERWEAR Navy/ black pants & sports jacket, black shoes that needed polishing.
DEPORTMENT: Kinda frazzled and shabby; but that could be from the rain that hit the Almeria Region that evening.
COMPANY: Two other lads that looked like Insurance Sales Men, and three sets of Golf Clubs (didnā€™t recognise the brands)

General Commentry: Heā€™s my kinda sexy tall; about 6ā€™5; but the gruaig was a lot greyer than on the telly. Also, my joke about buisness class was funnier than his.
He said he was a great fan of my work; I offered, that while unfortunately I wasnā€™t as familier with his as it was largely based on Foreign Games, what I did observe was quality but his subjects made it easier for him. He Agreed

Who: Ken the chef and serial womaniser from Fair City.

Where: Upstairs smoking area of Copper Face Jacks in the early hours of last Friday morning

Wearing: Canā€™t remember

Other info. Ken was fairly hammered no more than myself. He happily posed for photos with some female fans. He then happily engaged with Fair City related conversation with me.

Poor Ken told me he was a bit mad as he hadnā€™t gotten any nice girls to kiss in the soap for a while.

Who: Laura Woods

When: Sat evening and Sun morning in LAX and Dublin airport

Wearing: Jeans, top and cardigan

Very good looking in the flesh, looked much better than on the tele. Actually appeared a bit skinny if the truth be told. She had some man with a funny ā€œcoolā€ cap escorting her


Only a true wally would do that, so Iā€™d say itā€™s true, I suppose he wants to get value from his corporate box.

i dont think so- he is a big Juve fan ,has a season ticket but doubt the torino bit

has to be the greatest day in terms of celeb spotting on these boards. Well done all.

Who: David Norris

Famous for: Being a Senator and a gay rights campaigner

Where: Junction of Molesworth Street and Dawson Street

Company: Two gentlemen around the same age as him

Other info: The three lads were just standing at the lights chatting. I could hear Norris as I approached almost from Kildare Street. There were a few people stopping and looking but Norris was oblivious to them all and was laughing a lot.

Who: At The Racesā€™ Gary Oā€™Brien.
When: 6pm - Tuesday, 5 November.
Where: Filte, Vincent Street, Glasgow
Wearing: Jeans, black top, black designer glasses.
Other Information: Gary happily mingled with TFKCSC and BRECSC members.

What celtic supporters club does that stand for?

Bold Robert Emmet - NCC was one of the main movers and shakers in it before he purchased Shamrock Rovers.