Celeb Spotting 🐐

Good old Gary, sound lad. The best anchor man in racing bar none.

What about Dave Duggan…fooking legend that fella…

only saw this now, Mick does indeed have a Juve season ticket, along with a couple of apartments in turin and a vineyard an hours or so outside the city. He also has links with Torino tho, and has brought youth teams to football camps in Torinos acadamy. he is very friendly with the youth development officer in Torino, and has been known to sport Torino football gear (he wore the managers jacket for ages a couple of years back). Loves his italian football alright, and went to all 7 Italy games at the last world cup.

Dave is grand but he has neither the looks nor the smoothness of the youthful Gary. Gary should be working for the BBC really only they hardly cover racing anymore. Superbly professional anchor, always meticulously prepared, his interviewing of Noel Meade last year was superb, all the pertinent questions were asked all horses of interest were touched on. Different gravy to RTE’s Tracey Piggott who’s sole beginning to an interview is “Charlie, he did it well” before the trainer comes out with meaningless platitudes for half a minute.

Dave is quite knowledgeable alright, though his pronounciation of “Augustine Leahy” is poor. Everyone knows his name is pronounced ‘Austin’.

This is Gary’s second spot on the is thread. Back in post #537 SS** spotted him outside the viperroom post Celtic 3 in a row celebration.

Will he win a TFK hoodie or something if somebody else spots him for his own 3 in-a-row…


Will he win a TFK hoodie or something if somebody else spots him for his own 3 in-a-row…[/quote]

I believe he becomes an honourary member if spotted a third time…

No way - Ryan Tubridy is owed half a wardrobe if thats the case and that cunt shouldnt get anything!

Luckily he doesn’t trouble them too much :smiley:

Celeb Spot: Paidi O Se
Where: McDaids pub, Harry St.
When: 5:30 pm, Tuesday November 11th

Paidi was holding court at the bar, flanked by two robust Kerry sounding men. There looked to have been a group of three further Kingdom natives with them at the bar. There was very definitely a split between the two groups however. Paidi was dressed smartly, with a grey pinstripe blazer and regulation grey trousers. He left at around 6:00. I was quite shocked to discover that I was the only one of a group of eight that recognised him.

I got sent an amusing photo from a camera phone of a well known Irish Football pundit, would it be in violation of the terms and conditions of this thread if I were to post it here?

of course not, there are no terms and conditions on here

I got it myself…hilarious…poor burger i feel sorry for…

Maybe this is the place for it Runty


[quote=“Fran”]Maybe this is the place for it Runty


I didn’t want to risk drawing the admins wrath upon me, so I posted it in the more loosely moderated thread suggested by Fran.

Its the pinstipes that have my sympathy

They can never get rid of the fat limey prick.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]Its the pinstipes that have my sympathy

They can never get rid of the fat limey prick.[/quote]

actually i thought that fuckers problem was glandular?

[quote=“The Puke”]I believe he becomes an honourary member if spotted a third time…


Spotted Gary O’Brien from ATR in Dublin Airport last Thursday night.

He got into the back of a taxi with a Beaky looking character whilst quite a heavy set fella got into the front.

They appeared to be coming back from the Celtic game the night before.

O’Brien was heard to say “They may be full brothers but Silverburn is no Denman and is a definite place lay in the Paddy Power”

There ya go - Honorary Membership for O’Brien

[quote=“sid waddell”]Celeb Spot: Paidi O Se
Where: McDaids pub, Harry St.
When: 5:30 pm, Tuesday November 11th

Paidi was holding court at the bar, flanked by two robust Kerry sounding men. There looked to have been a group of three further Kingdom natives with them at the bar. There was very definitely a split between the two groups however. Paidi was dressed smartly, with a grey pinstripe blazer and regulation grey trousers. He left at around 6:00. I was quite shocked to discover that I was the only one of a group of eight that recognised him.[/quote]

sidwaddell and treaty exile were in the same pub last night!

Did ye exchange phone numbers and/or leave together?

[quote=“thedancingbaby”]Spotted Gary O’Brien from ATR in Dublin Airport last Thursday night.

He got into the back of a taxi with a Beaky looking character whilst quite a heavy set fella got into the front.

They appeared to be coming back from the Celtic game the night before.

O’Brien was heard to say “They may be full brothers but Silverburn is no Denman and is a definite place lay in the Paddy Power”

There ya go - Honorary Membership for O’Brien[/quote]

great spot - double kudos from now on for anyone spotting Gary o’Brien

Gary O’Brien loves his football, his horse racing, his Celtic. I’d say he’s the type of lad who’d be a good addition on here.