Celeb Spotting šŸ

Last Thursday at about 3pm I was having a nice Guinness in the sun outside Kehoeā€™s off Grafton Street (even though Iā€™m barred from there) with superleeds and 2 of his many lady friends when who walked by only RTEā€™s voice of rugby, Ryle Nugent. He was accompanied by a lady friend of his own and they walked arm in arm down Duke Lane in the direction of The Duke pub. Incredibly I was so starstruck by Ryle that I didnā€™t get a chance to stare his bird out of it until they had walked past but she seemed of reasonable standard from my viewing position (diagonal from behind). Ryle was sporting a blue jeans and T-Shirt with a light top draped over his shoulders.

Today at about 3.15pm outside Bank of Ireland HQ on Baggot Street I spotted Orlaith Rafter (had to find her real name on google), Jimmy Doyleā€™s bird Robin on Fair City. She was cycling a bicycle, strangely enough, (on the path) and was heading in the direction of town. She was wearing a big pair of sun glasses and looked very presentable in this fine weather.

Brian Kerr at the church in Saggart on friday just gone.

Ms Appendage spotted Katie Richie (aka Sally Fletcher) at a set of traffic lights in Bondi Junction on 24/01/07, she was talking on her mobile phone, and was wearing blue jeans, knee high boots and a long navy jumper.

When pressed, Ms Appendage said the Miss Richie was indeed a bit top heavy and possessed an impressive pair of oven mits.

Thatā€™s a cracking spot from Ms. Appendage. I presume the long navy jumper wasnā€™t tight fitting but the assets still shone through.

Yeah it was loose fitting but Ms Appendage is well abreast of what to look for in such situations.

She also spotted AFL legend Tadhg Kennelly in the Rocks, Sydney Harbour on Sun night. He was wearing a green t shirt and blue jeans. Apparently women were falling at his feet. Ms Appendage has yet to confirm or deny whether she was part of this worshipping.

Shame that these two ā€˜sightingsā€™ canā€™t be officially classed as celebrity spots what with both of them coming in via third parties.

How do you know Ms Appendage isnā€™t one of our members Bandage? Weā€™ve allowed posts ā€œon behalf of other membersā€ before. Appendage could be going out with Preshy.

Weā€™ve posted them up alright, rocko. But Iā€™m fairly sure in the initial stages of this thread we deemed that third party spots wouldnā€™t meet our strict criteria.

Yeah we said that third party spots werenā€™t allowed in the context of ā€œmy father sawā€¦ā€

What we have allowed though were people posting on behalf of another member who canā€™t get to the board - like when you posted about me seeing Peter Collins for example. Itā€™s not a third party spot in that case, youā€™re just letting us know that Iā€™ve made the spot.

In this case Ms Appendage has made a spot. If sheā€™s a member of the board (e.g. Preshy) then itā€™s fair enough for Appendage himself to post on her behalf - though there have to be plenty of Internet cafeteriae at Bondi Junction Iā€™d have thought.

Over to Appendage to confirm whether heā€™s seeing preshy at the moment.

As far as I know Iā€™m not seeing preshy at the moment, unless Ms Appendage has a new alias - which is highly unlikely.

Ms Appendage tried in vain to become a member of TFK to post the spot, such was her excitment. However, her lack of IT skill prevented her joining or posting as a guest. She then proceeded to text me the details with the expressed wish that it be posted in this thread. This, I believe counts as she requested it be posted on behalf of herself, much like the Peter Collins spot - except Ms Appendage is not formally a member, but whoā€™s to say a guest canā€™t post? She has been a guest lurker on many an occasion.

She also requested that some unfortunate comments re Bandageā€™s state of personal hygiene, physical fitness and employment be posted but alas I had to omit them.

Whatā€™s wrong with my fitness?

Was in Connolly station yesterday morning delivering iamthegafferā€™s bag to him from the office as he had been out the night before

Who did I see dressed in a sharp suit emerging from the electronic ticket machine area but Ireland and Ulster flanker Neil Best (want to do that whistle like Risteard Cooper)

He was alone, dressed in a very sharp suit, tieless and was carrying a bag. He set off in the direction of the trains

After a really dry month on the celeb spotting stakes (havenā€™t had one since I saw Ryle Nugent outside Kehoeā€™s pub on Holy Thursday) I am bang back in the game.

Today at 11.23 on Upper Baggot Street outside Number 8 Newsagent I spotted Ray from Fair City. Heā€™s the actor Mick Nolan and his character is Mondoā€™s Da in the show. He was wearing blue jeans and a brown suede jacket that matched his brown shoes and also his brown manā€™s bag which was draped over his shoulder.

[img width=100 height=115]http://www.rte.ie/tv/faircity/images/big_pics/big_ray.jpg

Very much a D list spot but itā€™s great to get one after such a barren spell. Itā€™s like a striker scoring a goal in the League Cup having not found the target for a month. Those Champions League spots will come as long as I remain patient.

Was walking up Grafton Street on Wednesday and walked into several photographers taking pictures of Diarmuid Gavin, Dave Fanning and Glenda Gilson who was leaning forward at the time. In fairness she was the only one I looked at - looked incredibly orange and had that horrible Castleknock, Loretto on the Green educated accent

Spent a few hours on the southside today and it really paid off. I was wondering why Iā€™m way behind on the celeb spotting stakes but I think itā€™s something to do with where I live.

Anyway spotted Vincent Browne in Hughes and Hughes bookstore in Dn Laoghaire (first floor). He was wearing fawn/beige trousers and shirt with no tie and a brown, possibly cuordroy, jacket. He paused briefly at the Current Affairs section before moving onto history. He spent a couple of minutes browsing the shelves in the history section without paying particular attention to any book. Then just as he was about to leave he half turned back to pick up a book called The Battle of Something (canā€™t remember the name, but it was some place in ancient Sparta). He read the back cover for a good 2 minutes which was surprising because I picked up the next copy from the pile (they were on a specail offer table) and I had read the summary on the back cover within half that time.

He had a quick flick through tbe book but it was so speedy he can only have been sizing up the size of the print etc. and not judging its narrative quality. Anyway he did not make a purchase and left the book down.

Then on my way downstairs I spotted Ryan Tubridy. He was in the more ā€œpopularā€ books section. He was browsing the chart of books, betraying his desire for popularity, whereas Browne had no qualms about being seen in the history section. He picked up the number 1 non-fiction book - ā€œSecretā€ or something like that but showed little interest. Then he picked up the number 3 book which was ā€œScissors Sistersā€ - the book about the sisters who put your manā€™s head in the cananl. He had a quick look at the book, read some of the back, but in truth he wasnā€™t that interested. He then got distracted by an Avoca Cookbook and I got bored by this stage so left him be.

All this happened after already spotting the following politicians:

Ciarn Cuffe TD
Enda Kenny TD
Marry Hannafin TD
Sen Barrett
John Bailey

They were on the campaign trail at the time so presumably donā€™t count but they added weight to my theories that the southside is awash with celebrities.

A series of spots like that really do make the spotee feel so much better about themselves.

Typical Tubridy behaviour too.

Spotted ex-Galway United legend and now Eircom League U-21 champions Salthill Devon manager Mike Quirke in Charlie Strings nightclub in Tramore on Friday night. I wanted to tell him it was a disgrace that only Vinny Faherty was called up to the U-21 EL representative side but was too afraid/locked. The chance presented itself again on Saturday night once again in Strings but again I couldnā€™t muster the courage.

Another somewhat local spot.

Date: 21 May, Monday. Time: 12.55pm. Venue: Main Street, Gorey, County Wexford.

Wexford Senior Hurling player and goal scorer in our last Leinster Final victory in 2004, Paul ā€˜Chopsā€™ Carley, getting into a blue Mazda car (front, driver side) and rolling down the window. As I was in transit myself I canā€™t shed any further light on his subsequent actions as I continued on my merry way.

I know it was only a brief glance Bandage and Iā€™m not asking for 100% confirmation here - but from the information youā€™ve presented would it be fair to surmise that Mr Carley was the driver of said vehicle. Thatā€™s surely the explanation for his decision to enter the car via the front door, driverā€™s side. Unless it was one of those 2 door Mazdas and he was clambering into the backseat?