Celeb Spotting 🐐

[quote=“dancarter”]Who: Rob Kearney
Famous for: Ireland.Leinster rugby star
Where: Baggot Inn
Wearing: Jeans and some kind of vest with buttons that only someone famous and extremely confident could get away with.
Other info:
(1) I was in the company of my missus and a load of her female mates. They were fucking creaming themselves looking at him, as in slipping off there seats. I have never seen girls making openly filthy comments about what they would have done to a fella before, enlightening.
(2) Kearney is a massive fook, built like a brick shithouse.
(3) He tried to get an absolute belter into the baggot inn ahead of all the queue. He got a fair piece of dancarters mind as a result. He responded to my “youl have no luck for it Kearney you cunt” jibe with good grace to be fair.[/quote]

I was talking to a young wan in Hogan’s last night and she kept going on about what a roide Kearney is. Nauseating stuff. So he’s already acting the cunt thinking he can skip queues? Sounds like he’s on his way to being a right ‘don’t you know who I am?’ cunt. That’s Clongowes for you.

most people wouldnt have a clue about who this fuckwit is

I never heard of him until last night, NCC, indeed I had to wiki the fooker to find out who he played for. All rugby jocks are the same to me.


Thought you were based in Kildare- when the little Limerick/Russian kids come along, you could do a lot worse than send them to the Wood.
The Jesuits have a sound ethos when it comes to educating young fellows, they’d not tolerate any queue jumping from Kearney. Besides he’s only a few caps won and mightn’t even make it onto a list of Clongowes’s greatest. He should learn some humility!


[quote=“KIB man”]Who: Abi Titmuss
Famous for: Being a dirty bitch, first and foremost
Where: In a very packed tube in London this evening
Wearing: Some hippiesh clothing with low cut top
Other info: Tits not as big as expected but still fairly supple. Unbelievably pretty face and great blonde hair. Tube was so packed all I could see was her face and down her top. Jockey with her was probably a celeb too but fuck him.[/quote]

Great spot indeed.

May I also say that she would get it.

Who: Neil Jordan
Famous for: Film Director
Where: Octagon Bar, Clarence Hotel
When: Friday night
Wearing: Dirty old man black trenchcoat
Walked around the bar a few times which was a feat because it is very small and there was hardly anyone in it except the lads I was with. He looked down on his luck and I was surprised he didn’t ask one of us to sub him a pint.


Yet more proof that Pat Fitz is a celebrity

from independant.ie

AT a time when the GAA is losing some of its top young stars to the AFL, a leading official has warned that emigration now poses even more of a threat to the Association.

Munster GAA secretary Pat Fitzgerald has called upon the Croke Park hierarchy to be proactive in the fight against emigration during the current recession. Fitzgerald suggests that a committee should quickly be established to look at the issue.

In the past six months, over 250 GAA players have transferred from Irish clubs to British outfits. And of the 54 player transfers overseen by Croke Park in October and November, 28 involved switches from Ireland to the UK. In sharp contrast, only seven players left the UK to return to Ireland.

“Certainly, emigration is a serious problem, especially for clubs, and it’s going to get worse as we are in difficult times,” Fitzgerald said.

"We had a similar situation in the 1980s and early '90s but at the moment it’s nowhere near as bad as that. However, between players leaving these shores to find employment and students taking off during the summer, we now have a serious issue on our hands.

“It will be next year before people realise just how serious it is. At the moment it’s mostly clubs that are affected. It’s only when high-profile players leave that it will become apparent how delicate the situation is. I think we need to establish a committee to look at the situation. We need to do all we can to ensure our players are kept in this country, or in the worst case scenario, that they don’t have to go beyond London to find employment.”

Wexford football manger Jason Ryan has already taken steps to encourage local business people to keep his team’s players in mind if they are making company appointments.

Gaelic football’s most promising young manager has voiced fears that his squad could be hit by a mass exodus if players lose jobs. More than one third of his team, including some key stars, are involved in the construction industry and Ryan is worried that their jobs could be axed within the next few months. “We need jobs now. We needed them six months ago. If players don’t get them, they will be gone,” he said.

Clare football boss Frank Doherty is already planning for next season without two of his most talented players, Gordon Kelly and Laurence Healy, who have both emigrated to Australia. And he is fearful that more could be on their way out of the country due to the economic downturn.

“Both of the lads are tradesmen and have been unable to find work here so they have emigrated to Australia,” the former All-Ireland club winning boss with Caltra said. “They are young men and they have to look after their future and we just couldn’t keep them at home. They will be a big loss to Clare football.”

How much more high profile work does Pat have to do before he is granted ‘Celeb’ status?..

You are only asking for trouble here Puke. :rolleyes:

Who: Ger “The Winking Weather Man” Fleming
Where: Approaching Kilmacud Luas Stop
When: bout half three today
Wearing: winter coat
accompanied by female probably his wife

Who: Michael Kiernan
Famous for: Former Irish rugby player. Scored a drop goal to beat England and win Ireland a triple crown in the 80’s
Where: Radisson SAS bar, Little Island, Cork
When: Yesterday afternoon
Other notes: Was watching the Leinster game yesterday when I noticed Mr Kiernan arriving in to also watch the game with a few others. They were sitting at the table beside me and spoke with them a few tims about how Leinster should have the game won by about 50-60 points. They remained for the Stade-Quins game while I had to leave. A gentleman.

Jesus I probably see celebrities all the time, never heard of half these chumps that people are banging on about.

I also saw Tom Dempsey today in Gorey but he probably doesnt count as a full spot

Who’s he then?

Former Wexford hurler. Scored the only goal in the '96 All Ireland final which played a crucial part in Wexford winning their first All Ireland in 28 years.

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]SS**

Thought you were based in Kildare- when the little Limerick/Russian kids come along, you could do a lot worse than send them to the Wood.
The Jesuits have a sound ethos when it comes to educating young fellows, they’d not tolerate any queue jumping from Kearney. Besides he’s only a few caps won and mightn’t even make it onto a list of Clongowes’s greatest. He should learn some humility!


It’s a shocking indictment of them they couldn’t knock the arrogance out of that fella though, WBY. Spare the rod and spoil the child. I’d be afraid the Jesuits wouldn’t be strict enough for my tearaways.

way too many non celeb spots being put here

fcukwit ronan keating & gaylord nicky from westlife
londis in malahide
mid conversation in one of the aisles-

it sickens me that these lads live in malahide but most people look down on them as new money types

Pot, kettle etc etc

:rolleyes:[quote=“Mac”]Pot, kettle etc etc[/quote]

keating is a celeb- he may be a fucktard but he is a celeb


keating is a celeb- he may be a fucktard but he is a celeb[/quote]

Tomato Tomato