Celeb Spotting 🐐


Is she carrying a bit of weight? A few pictures of her have shown that she could do with losing a few pounds.[/quote]

Didnt look like she was. She aint a rake anyway which is to be applauded but doubt she is fat.

Doesnt photograph aswell as she looks. Looks well in that homemade film I saw her in apart from an awful beardy snatch. FFS where did she think she was? On her back on the beach in Seafield or what? That kind of shit in unacceptable. And the black one she was shagging was just wrong. KIB man is not a racist.

It could possibly have gone better with Abi. She was extremely lucky that she had a bag between her legs. Otherwide I would have been pushed fully against her. Pity it wasnt on a tube in Japan :smiley:

[quote=“Spidey”]Who: Bernard Jackman
Famous for: Leinster and Ireland hooker and scary looking Uncle Fester like individual and throwing dodgy darts into lineouts.
Where: Esso Garage, Navan Road beside St. Brigids
When: 4.30pm yesterday.
Attire: De rigeur Leinster training gear – polo shirt, trackie bottoms and white runners. And bald nut.
Other notes: Bernard was hobbling across the forecourt into the shop after pumping what appeared to be €20 worth of petrol into a flash, black, 08 Alfa Romeo. Possibly hobbling due to exertions against Castre the previous day where he scored one of Leinster’s tries in their 33-3 victory.[/quote]

fuck off

whats the story with 3 or 4 new members all joining this week that all seem to kno whats going on here - cian foley in his 2nd or 3rd post talking about sticking it up to all the urban lads here - very suspicious - pukey & tittops i guess

Saw Gerry Adams in Dublin Airport on Saturday morning and Angus “Statto” Loughran in the bar of the Excel Arena on Saturday night

I haven’t stooped to using Multiple usernames yet NCC…I am sure it would be fairly easy for Bandage to look at the I.P addresses of the newer members and see if they match up to any of the existing members

[quote=“north county corncrake”]fuck off

whats the story with 3 or 4 new members all joining this week that all seem to kno whats going on here - cian foley in his 2nd or 3rd post talking about sticking it up to all the urban lads here - very suspicious - pukey & tittops i guess[/quote]

Short time lurker, first time post. Capiche?

Who: Brian Crowley MEP
Famous for: Being an MEP for Munster, representing Fianna Fil and being confined to a wheelchair
Where: Cork International Airport
When: 3:45pm today
Other notes: Had a navy suit on and was by himself. Was wheeling across the main floor of the airport, from arrivals over towards departures. Couldn’t make out if he was coming or going. Had a leather briefcase on his lap as he glided across the smooth tiles. He was also still sporting a mullet that has since come back into fashion.

[quote=“Locke”]Who: Brian Crowley MEP
Famous for: Being an MEP for Munster, representing Fianna Fil and being confined to a wheelchair
Where: Cork International Airport
When: 3:45pm today
Other notes: Had a navy suit on and was by himself. Was wheeling across the main floor of the airport, from arrivals over towards departures. Couldn’t make out if he was coming or going. Had a leather briefcase on his lap as he glided across the smooth tiles. He was also still sporting a mullet that has since come back into fashion.[/quote]

not a spot

That Statto spot will be tough to beat.

Why not? Legit in my book.

if me Flano or captain arent familiar with him its not a spot

read over the thread -this arrangement was agreed by one & all a few pages back

[quote=“north county corncrake”]if me Flano or captain arent familiar with him its not a spot

read over the thread -this arrangement was agreed by one & all a few pages back[/quote]


[quote=“north county corncrake”]if me Flano or captain arent familiar with him its not a spot

read over the thread -this arrangement was agreed by one & all a few pages back[/quote]

Crowley is very famous!! If you knew anything about Irish politics you’d know him. Good chance of him being the Fianna Fil candidate for the next presidental elections.

a low profile MEP isnt a celeb now though?

Who: Brendan O’Connor, famous for being a fat annoying cunt and writing for the Sunday Indo rag.

Where: Walking through the IFSC this evening

With: Some old one who he was spouting shite to

Don Wycherley, Gerard McSorley and Joe Hanley (Hughie from Fair City) enjoying the closing night of The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui at the Abbey on Saturday night.

Some sticklers for the spotting rules may only accept McSorley as it could be classed as a place of work for the other pair, but I feel the unlikely tio of Cyril McDuff, Todd Unctious and Hughie hanging out with each other of a Saturday night is worthy of inclusion.

Some sticklers for the spotting rules may only accept McSorley as it could be classed as a place of work for the other pair.[/quote]

Is McSorley not an actor as well?

A very good actor as well from what I have seen.

An actor but not an Abbey actor like the other two.

[quote=“Spidey”]Who: Bernard Jackman
Famous for: Leinster and Ireland hooker and scary looking Uncle Fester like individual and throwing dodgy darts into lineouts.
Where: Esso Garage, Navan Road beside St. Brigids
When: 4.30pm yesterday.
Attire: De rigeur Leinster training gear polo shirt, trackie bottoms and white runners. And bald nut.
Other notes: Bernard was hobbling across the forecourt into the shop after pumping what appeared to be 20 worth of petrol into a flash, black, 08 Alfa Romeo. Possibly hobbling due to exertions against Castre the previous day where he scored one of Leinsters tries in their 33-3 victory.[/quote]

A mate of mine is very good mates with Bernard. When Kidney took over, he told him not to get an operation on an injury he’s carrying, so Bernard thought he was going to get a run-out in at least one of the tests. But he didn’t, and wasn’t a happy camper afterwards.

Bernard obviously has never watched any of teh recent videos of himself playing then. He is muck.