Celeb Spotting 🐐

Very true.

Who: Jack Charlton
Where: Striding towards the Westbury
When: Last Wednesday night
Wearing: His usual old man’s tweed type jacket and slacks
With: Another bloke who i suspect may have been his agent and he was probably either going to or coming from a speaking engagement at some corporate Christmas party.
Other points of interest: None.

First ever live spot: Matty Forde. More to follow.

Never ceases to amaze why people want to listen to a mercenary, uneducated, grumpy old Yorkshireman like Charlton wheeze on about the most overhyped period in the history of association football.

Writing this on my phone so it won’t be in the standard celeb spot format. I was out in Gorey celebrating Boxing Day with friends when I was fortunate enough to spot the former All-Star enjoying a festive drink before the work of training for an over hyped and ultimately disappointing championship season begins next month. The live spot above (the first in the history of TFK I believe) was as I strolled down Gorey’s Main St on my way home. Earlier in the evening I had spotted Matty in the company of friends in Paddy Blues pub. Matty was dressed in jeans and a shirt and was chatting to two rather attractive girls with a friend, I later discovered the girls were Polish as I overheard them ordering a drink at the bar, as I result I’m not sure if Matty’s celeb status will have been of any assistance. I don’t want to turn this into a back page of the Sunday Independent Living section post so I won’t divulge whether Matty was shot down or indeed “scored”.

they celebrate boxing day in Gorey?

Yes, it’s a big stronghold in terms of Boxing Day festivities.

WTF ???

it’s more likely to be celebrated in malahide and certain parts around enniscorthy with large hugenot presences than in gorey

Vincent Browne at Stephen’s Green last night with a suitcase, accompanied by some people who looked suspiciousy like tourists. I think he was guiding them around this fair city of ours.

Who: Ronan Keating
Famous For: Being in Boyzone
Where: Just off Main Street Malahide, Fingal
When: Half an hour ago
Wearing: Grey jacket with a grey hat. Looked well wrapped up
Carrying: A child around two or three in his hands
Ronan was walking up post the entrance to the Super Valu car park. Appeared in a bit of a hurry.

Who: Jerry Flannery, Munster and Ireland hooker.
Where: Outside the Roisin Dubh pub, Galway City.
When: Approximately 12:25am, Thursday January 1st, 2009.
I was in a ten-minute long queue to get into said pub when Flannery passed the opposite way down the street. He was visibly shitfaced and seemed to be wandering around on his own, perhaps hoping to pick up some random young one on the street if other reports on this forum are anything to go by. He was wearing a light blue hoodie and had the hood pulled up over his head, possibly in a vain attempt to spot random punters like me from spotting him. Jerry strode purposefully onto Dominick Street and in the direction of the city centre whereupon he vanished from my gaze.

Who: Dean, the chef and son of Leo from the great show Fair City.

WhereDownstairs smoking area of Copper face jacks last Saturday night.

When He was there all night from approximately 1.30am onwards.

Other info I spotted Dean while coming down the stairs from upstairs somking area.

He had 3 random birds vying for his attention. I decided to stick around as thought I might be able to pick up one of the 2 rejects. Fairly sound man it has to be said. Told me he was out with Niamh and someone else from the show. Alas it wasn’t to be my night with the women. 2 cigarettes later I got fed up and rejoined my group at the bar.

I later spotted Dean leaving with one of the girls at the end of the night. I would imagine they were headed in the direction of Carrigstown together.

Gallimh, by the sheer volume of spots you come up with from Coppers, how many nights a weeks do you frequent the place. You surely got a christmas drink from them.

was thinking the same myself, the man from galway must have spotted the entire Fiar City cast in the place

I’ve had a few in there all right!!! That was my first time in there in a while…Prob the same time since my last spot…

Who: Paul Byrne, TV3 News Southern Correspondent

Where: Super Valu, Midleton, East Cork

When: Last Friday evening circa 8pm (sorry, only thought of it now)

Other info: Paul is as fat in real life as you would think from his earth shattering reports on TV3 News from the real capital. He had a dark, possibly navy suit on, white shirt with tie discarded after this hard day’s work with Ireland’s leading independent TV station. He was with a lady friend who was suitably/also pleasantly plump. Paul was pushing the trolley past the pasta sauce aisle when I saw him. I did not engage in any banter/conversation. Was once told by a former female work colleague that she was chatted up by Mr.Byrne on a couple of occasions. She was/is also big boned.

[quote=“Locke”]Who: Paul Byrne, TV3 News Southern Correspondent

Where: Super Valu, Midleton, East Cork

When: Last Friday evening circa 8pm (sorry, only thought of it now)

Other info: Paul is as fat in real life as you would think from his earth shattering reports on TV3 News from the real capital. He had a dark, possibly navy suit on, white shirt with tie discarded after this hard day’s work with Ireland’s leading independent TV station. He was with a lady friend who was suitably/also pleasantly plump. Paul was pushing the trolley past the pasta sauce aisle when I saw him. I did not engage in any banter/conversation. Was once told by a former female work colleague that she was chatted up by Mr.Byrne on a couple of occasions. She was/is also big boned.[/quote]

he is so far from a celeb its not funny. And he is a fat arrogant fook

At least preface it with:

This guy is not a celebrity but


This guy is a massive celebrity

in a clearly taking the piss manner

I know Carter, correct on both points. But it’s slim pickings down here in Cork.

Pascal Sheehy, now there’s a celeb :smiley:

[quote=“Locke”]I know Carter, correct on both points. But it’s slim pickings down here in Cork.

Pascal Sheehy, now there’s a celeb :D[/quote]

Paul Byrne is no Plastic Sheeting thats for sure