Celeb Spotting 🐐

Too tired to put them up to be honest Runty…Tough auld training session this evening and after seeing the majority of my spots were also photographed in yesterday’s Indo I felt a bit robbed…

anyone in coppers sunday nite and spot the rugby team i hear reports the ronan o gara for one was in there been his mouldy self

In fairness if Rog can’t go and get in a loobn after winning a Grand Slam then we can all throw our hats at it. Leave the poor guy alone. He admits that he can’t drink for nuts anyway.

Spot. Fucking. On.

Gway ta fook CLG and leave the man alone, after the weekend he’s had, and the shite he’s gone through, he’s entitled to cut loose.

thats what i said mbb the rest of teh country was drunk on their behalf so of course they were allowed be hammered like everyone else…

He wouldnt drink Fog anyways. Iv seen him being stretchered out of a few spots over the years “Weekend at Bernies” style

Let he who hasnt sinned etc…

I might get a bit of abuse for the circumstances surrounding this spot but here goes.

Who: The parents of murdered swiss student Manuela Riedo

Where: The smoking area of Cafe En Seine (I know…)

When: Sunday evening during the homecoming extravaganza

Other Comments: I was surprised to see them at such an event but they seemed to be enjoying th festivities

Christ that’s a fantastic spot Fran. Can’t recall what they look like but the dad has long hair or something doesn’t he?

[quote=“Fran”]I might get a bit of abuse for the circumstances surrounding this spot but here goes.

Who: The parents of murdered swiss student Manuela Riedo

Where: The smoking area of Cafe En Seine (I know…)

When: Sunday evening during the homecoming extravaganza

Other Comments: I was surprised to see them at such an event but they seemed to be enjoying th festivities[/quote]

That’s fooking majestic! Yer man git life for her murder late last week so it would make sense that they were in the country for the trial.

[quote=“Fran”]I might get a bit of abuse for the circumstances surrounding this spot but here goes.

Who: The parents of murdered swiss student Manuela Riedo

Where: The smoking area of Cafe En Seine (I know…)

When: Sunday evening during the homecoming extravaganza

Other Comments: I was surprised to see them at such an event but they seemed to be enjoying th festivities[/quote]

that was shit

[quote=“Fran”]I might get a bit of abuse for the circumstances surrounding this spot but here goes.

Who: The parents of murdered swiss student Manuela Riedo

Where: The smoking area of Cafe En Seine (I know…)

When: Sunday evening during the homecoming extravaganza

Other Comments: I was surprised to see them at such an event but they seemed to be enjoying th festivities[/quote]

Super spot Fran. Thats what this thread is all about.

The father has long hair and an impressive beard.

I’m only guessing, but I reckon their previous trip to Ireland must have been really shit. But this time must have been great laugh getting to sample the Six Nations celebrations with thousands of other revellers. Swings and roundabouts, eh.

Who wouldn’t have wanted to be in Ireland last weekend?

Even if it was the country your only child was killed in.

Who: Food critic and member of the critics team on RTE’s “The Restaurant” Tom Doorley

Where: Lidl, Midleton, Co.Cork

When: Today, approx 11:58am

Other Comments: This is a sweet spot. Celeb food critic shopping in Lidl. He was with an old man, I’m going to hazard a guess at it being his father and one other mail. He was in jovial form as we passed by the pasta. He was later spotted by myself and verified by Mrs.Locke in the carpark. The tall Mr. Doorley was driving an 02 C Range Rover that could have done with a wash.

Later spot: Sinead for reality TV Irish pop band Six was canvasing for a political party in the Market Green shopping centre, Midleton but she’s not really a spot coming to think about it.

[quote=“Locke”]Who: Food critic and member of the critics team on RTE’s “The Restaurant” Tom Doorley

Where: Lidl, Midleton, Co.Cork

When: Today, approx 11:58am

Other Comments: This is a sweet spot. Celeb food critic shopping in Lidl. He was with an old man, I’m going to hazard a guess at it being his father and one other mail. He was in jovial form as we passed by the pasta. He was later spotted by myself and verified by Mrs.Locke in the carpark. The tall Mr. Doorley was driving an 02 C Range Rover that could have done with a wash.

Later spot: Sinead for reality TV Irish pop band Six was canvasing for a political party in the Market Green shopping centre, Midleton but she’s not really a spot coming to think about it.[/quote]

Tom Doorley shopping in Lidl. That’s a bloody super spot locke. If i’d a hat on i’d tip to you, but i don’t.

As an aside, my own spots have been abysmal. Not in quality but in quantity. My one and only spot has been one of the Mac na Feirme lads off the Dragon’s Den. It would seem i don’t move in the same circles as celebs.

Any tips as to how i can increase my celeb spot capabilities?

Pat Fitz drinks in the Bank of a friday night Dunph and Willie O Dea frequents the place also, tis always a good place for a spot

Who is this Pat Fitz character?

Stephen Carr, Brian Kerr and Tony O’Donoghue in Jurys Croke Park during / after the game last night. Like ourselves, Stephen Carr was at the game but left at halftime out of boredom. A bird we were drinking with got her photo taken with Tony O’Donoghue. I’ll never understand why.

who:diarmuid "the rock"o sullivan
where: eh Havanna Browns cork
when : eh prob sometime around half 12 last nite
wearing : a white shirt with some sort of design i think
other comments: known for been a fuckin ejit who loves himself…
cant remember too much else as was quiet intoxicated