Celeb Spotting 🐐

[quote=“Gaillimharais”]Ah she’d defintely get it. Does a lot more for me than that cunt Amanda Brunker anyways.


Edited to say I just noticed you can see her left nipple. Nice.[/quote]

Her face is really puffy tho. You cant really see it there but I used notice it on Winning Streak.

disappointing. i used to respect you

Most definitely yes.

good man runt.

You are fairly critical though.

First it was Torres and his first touch letting him down on occassions.

Then it was Nadine lacking a bit in the chest department.

Granted Woods is no oil painting but the puffy face wouldn’t put me off.

some people are really fussy…

I find it hard to believe that if Woods came up to any lad here and offered herself that they’d turn her down.

Fuck sake get over yourself KIB, she would get it in a heart beat, she is by no means superb but she is extremely doable and if someone could bag a bird of that standard every time they pull then they would be doing well

The never ending search for perfection goes on…

If Nadine went up just one cup size it would top her off. Its the one area she just needs improvement in…and personality obviously

Torres first touch needs to improve in order for him to improve. The ball bounces off him a good bit.

That’s the crux of the matter really.

I wouldnt be too bothered really. She’s a 5 out of 10 sober and thats it.

Spot on mac…

Laura Woods is a friend of the forum. Bring her back to TTV now.

your taking the piss now… if thats what you call 5, id love to see your 10

The feeling was mutual. If you slip it in I wont hold it against you.

There is no such thing as a ten. Not that I have ever seen anyway. That is why the elusive search for perfection is so enjoyable and utterly fruitless. :wink:

so what is the highest rating you have ever given anyone?

You remember that joke about the lad with the shelves of teddy bears? I think that was written about KIB man.


Sober Rating system explained:

5 - average, probably would but not bothered
6 - doable, possibly an average dirty bitch so gets an extra point
7 - very doable, decent sort. happy to be seen with
8 - hot, one to boast about. serious bird
9 - absolute honey - one to tell the grandkids about but still a couple of faults short of a clear round
10 - combination of keeley, nadine, jolie. One you could consider being a stay at home dad for.

Davison in fairness to her is close enough to ten but falls down cos she is a Sindo whore.