Celebrity Deaths 2022

Logic will get you nowhere on TFK mate

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The collapse isn’t his legacy.

Boris Johnson and the DUP would beg to differ.

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Khruschev was better i reckon.

Bill Turnbull RIP


Reads like a wish list !


My annual wish list :clap::clap:

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If only we knew who it was. Pity it doesn’t count.

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Sure that could be any queen.

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It smacks of smack head Renton?

We’ll never know.

It wasn’t Renton… Some hardchaw took my yearly list and posted it before i got a chance to. They’ve since been cancelled and i can’t remember who it was.

The important thing here is the Queen’s death. The rest is trivial at this tough time.

Whomever it was shows @Locke levels of research in compiling the list.

Over 90 :ballot_box_with_check:

Declining health :ballot_box_with_check:

Recognisable :ballot_box_with_check:


He could get a job in the Manchester United scouting department.


I had the same list for a while kid.

Aboriginal actor and activist Uncle Jack Charles has died. A great man, a big loss so soon after Archie Roach leaving us.



Did anyone have Vlad Putin?