Celebrity Deaths 2023

The two boys sound like 2 pretty run of the mill TFK posters


Didnā€™t Roy Keane have a fist fight with his Mrs in a Manchester pub one time?

Rourke and Joyce play on Morrisseyā€™s Last of the Famous International Playboys

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i wasnt sure what to expect from morrisey, turns out it was very touching

ā€œSometimes one of the most radical things you can do is to speak clearly. When someone dies, out come the usual blandishments ā€¦ as if their death is there to be used. Iā€™m not prepared to do this with Andy. I just hope ā€¦ wherever Andy has gone ā€¦ that heā€™s OK. He will never die as long as his music is heard. He didnā€™t ever know his own power, and nothing that he played had been played by someone else. His distinction was so terrific and unconventional and he proved it could be done. He was also very, very funny and very happy, and post-Smiths, he kept a steady identity - never any manufactured moves. I suppose, at the end of it all, we hope to feel that we were valued. Andy need not worry about that.ā€


Iā€™m delighted to read that.

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Thatā€™s beautiful, I just wish I didnā€™t now know he was willing to cut the poor fucker in two for money


possibly a new more enlightened morrisey. i suppose it cost him nothing to be civil

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I wasnā€™t aware of close he was to Dolores

Every cloud has a silver lining in suppose, Iā€™ve been making dinner, having a few cans and listening to the smiths for the last 90 minutes or so, Jesus they were an incredible band, no duds at all really except for the couple of instrumentals, but thatā€™s on me


Did I ever relate the time I saw the Smiths play live in the Savoy Bingo Hall in Waterford in 1984 supported by James?


You didnā€™t. Do tell. Iā€™ll start it for you;

ā€œThere I was, 37 years young, single and ready to mingleā€¦ā€

Did you heckle them to play their early stuff?

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Just wondering if youā€™re referring to Oscillate Wildly? I love that tune.

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Yes he did :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Only messing @Fagan_ODowd

I did. It was the Hatful of Hollow tour.

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Is that the only one? Maybe it is, anyway, no Morrissey, no smiths (for me)

It is I think.

Morrissey came up with the name!

Jim Brown, NFL player, actor, activist.

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Rick Dalton.