Celebrity Deaths 2024 (90 or younger)

Even as low level as being a Limerick hurler is shit craic I’d say. Cunts burning the ear off you and reporting every pint you have

When did Cheryl Cole become Cheryl tweedy ?

Poor guy. RIP

Very sad. Leaves behind a seven year old son. Another young person spat out by fame and the UK tabloids who had gone after him again in recent weeks. RIP.

When she divorced Ashley I’m guessing

‘Poor’ Caroline Flack was sniffing around Harry Stiles when he was 17.

Harry seemed just fine.

The touring life is a very tough one.

Michael Stipe and Thom Yorke spoke about breakdowns they had as a result of constant touring.

Then if you have a bit of a grá for drugs and alcohol it’s a toxic mix.

I’m just completely hyper in the presence of all this. Find myself gurgling like a baby who is being tickled. Kick an apple around the floodlit garden until I can string a sentence together again. Feel 50 feet tall. Shit, shit, shit. This is R.E.M. and they really like us. No, I mean they really like us. They’re not simply being nice. When someone who you really admire gives you something like that, your shoulders get a little bit lighter and you feel a little bit stronger. Forever.

They’ll be making sure you stay amused
They’ll fill you up with drugs and booze
Maybe you’ll make the evening news
And when you’re tripping over your dreams
They’ll keep you down by any means
And by the end of the night you’ll be stifling your screams

Since you became a VIPerson
It’s like your problems have all worsened
Your paranoia casts aspersions on the truths you know
And they’ll just put you in the spotlight
And hope that you’ll do alright
Or maybe not


I’d be depressed too if I sang the miserable shite Thom Yorke does.


Post reported.

It’s all very sad how things ended for him but I’m surprised it has been the lead story on RTE Radio news all morning.

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‘’We were five years into R.E.M., and I was going through profound depression and a nervous breakdown that took a year and a half to work through. We were still touring and making records and marching forward at this insane velocity, which didn’t help my situation at all.”

You’re surprised a member of the former biggest band in the world, of which one of the members is Irish, of which the bands formation was broadcast at primetime on Irish TV, who died tragically at the age of 31, was the lead news item on Irish news?

What was the item you felt should have been leading?


With a name like Liam?

I reckon he wanted another morning of Sinn Fein kicking.

I’d say there’s quite a few people out there who never heard of him.


I’d understand if it was the Irish lad alright, he’s well known here.

What was the second item?