Celtic v Caley Thistle - Trophy Day


Great pick out by Izzy.

Lovely move. :clap:

Nearly certain that was Johansen’s goal

Ah lovely.

See Scepovic chasing back there after Brown gave it away. No doubt he’s changed his work rate to get in Deila’s good books. Think he’s a fairly different and less passive player now and might have a new lease of life.

Forrest and Matthews actually linking up well today for once too.

Bitton has been tremendous this season. :clap:

Izzy has been great down the left. Have to disagree on Matthews and Forrest, think they’ve been really frustrating.

Might have taken you up wrong there @Rocko.

Ah FFS sake.


FFS sake. Scandalous stuff again - same as the cup game.

That would have been Celtic -3 backers practically home and hosed - see degenerate thread.

Apart from the visual side of things you could hear that was a handball really clearly. Pathetic refereeing.

Would like to see GMS fir Forrest at half time. Forrest has been peripheral.

We’ve lacked a bit of spark up front. Forrest is no use against packed defences, far too predictable and easy to defend against.

I don’t think it’s been his worst game but that’s not a lofty bar to be measured against. It’s not his predictability in isolation that I have a problem with - he’s quick enough that he’d be decent if he kept taking his man on around the outside - Agathe-esque (though he’s not that quick obviously). But he takes too long making his mind up every time. He’s fairly useless when he cuts inside and the chance to go outside is usually gone by the time he makes his mind up.

That second goal is a really good finish by Johansen actually. It’s particularly good when you remember either lad on the line is allowed to save the ball with his hands.

Sunderland after him and Id be surprised if there aren’t more.

It’s funny. They apparently want him for £5m. Firstly, that’s nowhere near enough. Secondly, they have no idea what to do with a player like that. They had Ki and while they played him plenty, they weren’t exactly getting the most out of him. Plodding teams like that never actually trust a Ki or a Bitton to play his natural game. We had the same issue with Donati who was always asked to become more of a terrier than he actually was. In fairness to Lennon he was better at freeing up his midfielders than Strachan was (who always went for bite in big games). But Sunderland would never give him the role he needs.