Celtic v St Johnstone ☘

Fucking shitshow.

One off the line for St Johnstone there.

We are all over the shop on set pieces.

O’Halloran off for SJ now. He was a big threat running in behind.

Celtic still look every bit a rabble. It seems like the board want us to lost this league.

Only half watching this with the GAA on but that was a pathetic performance.

Is Duffy injured?


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no improvement from Celtic

bet outcome a 1 nil win

Griffiths on for Brown.

shameful stuff

bring on dembele

Celtic are evs.
I’ve backed them.

I’m not watching though or have any idea how it’s going.

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That’s the spirit.
Honestly you’ll see better football in the FAI cup final.

before @thedancingbaby time but real Celtic vs Neuchatel Xamax feel about this

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I’ve 50 sheets on.

Turnbull getting ready to come on. Such a bad performance but there gas to be a goal in Celtic here.

what a pass by turnbull

before @thedancingbaby’s time but real feel of the time Lou Macari managed Celtic feel about this

Mother of God. 0-1

Fuck off Lennon