Champions League 2015/16 Round of 16

Juve struggling to hold the ball here, may need to sacrifice Dybala for another body in midfield.

Dave McIntyre is the TV3 commentator, pal.



Very harsh yellow on Costa there.

FFS Oxlade.

Apart from a few really boring passages of play where Barcelona passed the ball backwards and sidewards it’s been an entertaining game at the Emirates.

Juve really struggle with the tempo and pressing but defending really well and look dangerous on the break.

A Bayern goal is coming.

Is Kilbane always a dope?

Oxlade-Chamberlain. :rollseyes:

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Oxlaide Chamberlain has been really poor.

He seems to be happy enough out there, high fiving Barca players and fucking up brilliant attacking situations.

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Very imaginative hairstyle from Iniesta to disguise his rapidly receding hairline.

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Is Arda Turan ineligible in Europe? Rakitic has been really quiet.

Bayern take a deserved lead.

Replays have been shite tonight. Suarez should have scored there, no? Ox running away from a pass again to create it.

And he certainly should have scored there.

Juve should have had a penalty there.

I’m going to expand on my replays comment:

  1. The early Ramsey chance
  2. The contact on Suarez near the edge of the box
  3. The Suarez chance just before 45 mins.

We saw no replays of any of those. No immediate break in play but a good director will overcome that.