Champions League 2015/16 Round of 16

That would have been typical Arsenal to concede there.

Oxlaide Chanlmberlain is such a frustrating player. Heā€™s bulked up but he hasnā€™t improved his game since he arrived. Another Theo.

Heā€™s not a very good player though. Iā€™d say he has barely double digits in goals for Arsenal in his career to date.

Hernanes on for Marchisio who is presumably injured.

Neymar shouldā€™ve scored there.

Arsenal have been pretty good but significant Cech save from Neymar there. Walcott for the injured Oxlade-Chamberlain - thatā€™s an upper grade 1 / lower grade 2 calf strain if ever I saw one.

Harsh on Theo.

Arsenal need a Richard Dunne in Moscow figure to emerge here. The game has taken on an ominous feel.

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Twisted his knee in the earlier challenge with Javier. Deserved the dunt he got for not passing it, the ape.

Who is this Fletch McManaman keeps referring to?

The 3 boys are trying to walk it in here for Barca.

Juve donā€™t look anywhere as near a good team with 4 at the back, disappointed in Allegriā€™s lack of trust in young Rugani this season.

And that exchange between Giroud and Alba sums up why Barca are such a horrible club.


Time for St Welbeck.

2-0 Robben.

Atkinson has been a cunt all night, a shocking referee.

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This is the most enjoyable 57 mins of football Iā€™ve seen in a long time, one bad pass and youā€™re punished.

Great stuff, Arsenal playing with a determination not seen in years.

Giroud very unlucky there with that header.

Arsenal should be ahead here

Sanchez has Ben shit tonight.

Mandzukic has been shocking, he is nothing without his work rate and he hasnā€™t bothered tonight.

This cunt of a ref is riding Arsenal.

The first decent cross Arsenal put in & Giroud gets a header on target, that is Barcaā€™s weak point. Need to attack with crosses into their box more.

Very disappointing scoreline so far, fancied Juve to get something at home.