Champions League 2015/16 Round of 16

They’ve been as bad as Bayern have been good.

Allegri has to take the brunt of the blame. Shape of the team is wrong and Mandzukic has been awful and remains on the pitch. They can’t get a foothold in midfield and he won’t add an extra body they are crying out for in there.

I think he’s refereed it very well so far.

That’s a lovely coat Luis Enrique has on. What style is that @TheUlteriorMotive?

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Has Morata come on yet?

I was thinking the very same. Who is he?

Dybala makes it 1-2.

He’s a Turkish gentleman. He refereed the final last year I believe.

Enrique made it clear where he stands on player selections during his pre-match press conference, and he did so again regarding Xavi Hernández, who started today’s encounter. Essentially and in a colourful way of putting it, the Barça manager explained that he’s the boss and he’s responsible for the team decisions he makes.

I have a closet full of coats and I can wear whichever I feel suits me best.

That’s an advantage for me and for any player, it’s an inconvenience, but it’s something we’ll carry forward together, regardless of who plays. Xavi will be in the team sometimes, other times he won’t be and that’s an aim we have with all our players.

Surprise, surprise. @Rocko eulogising the Turkish ref who tolerated Lewandowski’s diving antics against Ireland in Warsaw.


2 big chances missed from Barcelona there, could be Arsenal’s night.

Lewandowski and Mandzukic should have gone there.

You can depend on the Turks to be fair.

To start a war?

Stadium is rocking here now. Atkinson is a cunt if I may add so.

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Worst two cunts ever commentating

This is a fine game in London.

Two greatgames.

Pogba and Cuadrado have good chances in quick succession, Juve have finally found their balls.

BT’s crowd are worse tonight, Kilbane’s an alright sort at least.

Was about to post as much pal. Very entertaining.

I’ll be gutted when Arsenal inevitable concede. The bastards always string you along, give you hope, make you dream and then break your heart.