Champions League 2021/22 - Another Magic night in Madrid from the Kings of Europe

So why, in the clip, do the panels of the football (the outline of which you can see - because they are marked - as footballs tend to be) travel downwards as far as the viewer is concerned, as the ball travels, and not upwards?

Because if it was topspin, the panels would be travelling upwards.

Not downwards.


Can we acquire the services of an award winning physicist to decide this matter?

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Lovely bit of top spin.

Does google of “Thiago, goal, backspin, Porto”

Does google of “Thiago, goal, topspin, Porto”.

Locks thread.

The Athletic comment section has gone down the same rabbit hole.

There you go now lads, it defied physics.

Everyone wins.

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the ball hit the ground though :smiley:

because topspin creates downward force.

Again, you’re introducing information which contradicts your point

It didn’t touch the ground.


This goal defies both the real laws of physics and the fake ones.

You can see it there quite clearly not touching the ground.

It’s hypnotic.

It didn’t

My God. :grinning:

I guess we’ll need Thiago to come out and verify the manner in which he applied Newton’s third law when whacking the ball at the goal.



This is classic TFK. 30 posts on the actual champions league then 150 posts on whether it was top spin or not. With diagrams and everything.


@Cheasty are there any notable trends in the poll here or extrapolations we can make vis-a-vis right wing/left wing culture wars? I have a suspicion there’s a large scale anti-fact, anti-science, anti-vaxx cohort backing the topspin side.

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I suppose culture wars are always about spin. And this culture war battle is no different. Perhaps you could say it’s the definitive culture war battle. Spinning about spin.

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It’s been put to NIAC. They’ll make a decision on it in early 2023

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This is for one for those technical FIFA committees that the like of Andy Roxburgh work with

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