Champions League - Round of 16

whats that mean mate?

never been a Roma fan myself - remember them getting horsed there a few years back by United.

Whelan v Townsend isn’t much of a choice for commentary. Was hoping we’d have Beglin somewhere.

Not much if a choice. This is going to be deadly either way though.

Fucking RTÉ commentary is miles ahead. They’re fucking about with it so we’re hearing them repeat stuff.

The magical Roma.

Arsenal have started quite well to be fair.

Good open game so far anyway. Walcott against Maxwell really is an opportunity for Arsenal as predicted.

Very good first ten minutes for Arsenal. They’ve pressed well.

Take note of the time and date, that doesnt happen often!

Bad miss there from Messi. Keeper probably does ok to make him make a decision even though he ended up sitting down. Straightforward enough finish in the end so a bad miss.

Brilliant move. That’s their one and only warning I’d imagine.

What a chance for Burdisso there. Francesco has been key to Roma’s play so far.

How the fuck did Burdisso miss that? Absolute sitter.

We’re playing a flat our in midfield with Taddei left and Menez right. Totti and Vucinic taking turns in dropping off.

Roma really bossing it so far.

Arsenal deploying the La Liga tactic of a narrow back 4. Leaving Alves with an awful lot of room for Xavi to spray passes to him. Walcott is doing a super defensive shift on the other side.

Messi could have done better there with that chip after a nice little move.

Good game here between Arsenal and Barcelona, both team have had chances to go ahead but overall Barcelona have been much better and look the more likely to score first. Goal as i type for Barca…


Simone via a deflection!!!

Get fucking in. That was coming. :clap:

Fuck 1-1.

Another deflected goal. Roma completely went to sleep. Cassetti posted missing.

Good game alright. Will be interesting to see how the goal changes it. Arsenal despite some good work could be 0-3 down by now.