Champions League - Round of 16

Oh my word

super goal. great play from nasri

What were Barca playing at there? Pique was way deeper than the rest of the defenders and let Nasri in. He picked a great ball in fairness to him.

Excellent stuff from Roma and Totti in particular here. Come on - take the next chance.

Hope Puke went along tonight.

Fucking hell Bendtner should have laid that back!

Barca look rattled here.

Thought that myself, need someone to put a foot on the ball, which you’d imagine would come easily to them. Wilshire has been damn good tonight, damn good.

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge let off there for Arsenal.

Koscielny has been immense tonight.

Barca still overwhelming favorites but great night all the same.

Right back to work for the night now :frowning:

Great win for Arsenal, how ever it happened.


Dunphy talking about the importance of nuance :lol:

Arsenal secure the only home win of the two nights.

Rarely say this but agree completely with Dunphy here on the fact that Barca have it too easy most of the time. It’s a joke in Spain how little of a challenge they get in the vast majority of the games. Cockiness and complacency simply has to creep in. Reckon this could be a nice wake up call and would be very confident for the second leg.

Bollox. Could have seen us sneaking a 1-goal win over there if we got the draw in the end tonight. I thought we played very well in the second half and deserved better but it’s very much an uphill struggle going away after losing 3-2 at home. We’re realistically going to have to score first over there anyway and take it from there. We’ll find it very tough without the pace of Menez - he gives us that speed and thrust that frightens opposition. They’re excellent technically, as we know, and will be firm favourites to go through now. Jadson was superb tonight - they signed him for only £2m. :blink:


Dunphy back to slating the Barca defence.

bloody hell, Bill is fair dumb at times.

Giles: its much easier, Bill, when your winning 4-0 to hang onto a win, than coming back from that match tonight.
Bill: Really?
Giles: yeah. yeah, definitley.

How did Messi play?

Shown up tonight. Nothing player.