Changing Irish History

Never existed.

Sarcasm, pal…

I’ll get back to my beloved Brian later…mobile device is a hindrance.

Hold on. The mice established this thread with the clear intention of setting himself up for some pre-prepared, arseways shpeel about Brian Boru and thus, making himself appear intellectual in the process? And in one sentence @ciarancareyshurlingarmy blows him out the water? You mug. This is brilliant.

I’m off to bed.

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Says who? He never did any of the stuff he was supposed to obviously but he did exist.

For fuck sake I could have written about something much closer to home if I wanted to try and impress strangers on the internet.

How does Brian’s age affect any of my hypothetical argument?

A few families had grasped the notion of one high king… Brian had spent the better part of his life leading to it…he had subdued the north and the West and after Clontarf was on the road to making himself the king of Ireland. He was one of the Few to grasp political dynasty… He needed only to have remained in power a few years to keep others subdued… The main problem was inheritance… Irish’ society meant that the oldest son didn’t necessarily succeed …with Brian gone this led to a vacum and a split within the Dal Caisians and threw Ireland back into years of warring for the high kingship which was never fully established again. With Brian’s death the momentum and potential to establish a more centralised notion of power was also lost, regardless of his age.

I would change DJ Carey taking umpteen steps in 1991. We would have won Leinster and the All Ireland and started a glorious decade of Wexford domination.
Mind you, the one AI we did win was quite good. Limerick people constantly remind us of it.

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Patrick did exist but he is largely a construction of Armagh to give them legitimacy… Monasteries and Bishops were a different animal to what we think of them today, they went to war, rode and generally used the position as a seat of power akin to kingship… More often than not it was the brothers of chieftains/kings that ran monasteries/became bishops… There was a national struggle to be deemed the ‘high’ monastery of all Ireland and Armagh used the story of Patrick for their own political purposes… Most of those great books (including the biographers of Brian Boru) were written for political purposes rather than dexterity or record keeping as such.


Like all of history mate.


Like every piece of writing, mate… I consciously write with the Segunda/Limerick clique in mind.

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When you think of how history has been rewritten in modern times with all the technology etc that exists, can you imagine how much it has skewed over 1000’s of years where it was just some lad with a pen.

DNA testing is changing a lot of our earlier history… The gas thing is that our own Book of invasions, written 8-10th centuries actually stand up to DNA evidence , and the oral traditions handed down thousands of years are largely correct.

Go on … that is interesting

This mobile posting is a disaster… But I’ve said it to you before, the original inhabitants of the island were dark skinned, small in stature and from the MidEast, this is recorded in the book of invasions… Recent study on remains found from that period link those people to where modern Syria /Egypt is today…I’ve also said before that hurling is beleived to have originated from that region, therefore it was not a Celtic game as such…you could argue that’s why only the Irish and Scots play a variation of it tho I am unfamiliar with what games mother Celtic regions played. The later sons of Mil recorded in the books were said to be from modern Northern Spain and studies have shown that the dominate DNA on this island is shared with peoples now living in the Basques region…most of these migrations happened 3000-1500 before they were written about but the traditions survived orally… And if they survived in this manner then the original inhabitants must have thrived to tell their story and share their culture with the later Celtic invaders.


And the cunts like @maroonandwhite and @anon7035031 on here want to keep our Syrian brothers out :rage:

At the end of the day we are all Nigerians.

More lies.

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This is great stuff @ChocolateMice - some writers in the past 150 years have written about Ireland’s links to Egypt, including how and why the truth was erased / altered.

Our ancestors were niggers… We are part egg plant…