Claire Byrne 🐝


I got a jar of lovely honey from out wesht before, think it might have been either Croagh or Ardagh.

Tequila is made from the Agave plant as it’s core has loads of sugars that ferment into alcohol.

I’ve never tasted or seen the nectar but presume it comes directly from the plant.

Pulque, a kind of beer, is also made from the Agave plant.

Jaysus @Rocko , really?
For anyone that’s interested the original title was “claire byrne in her underwear”. I mistakenly and childishly thought it was a fiendishly clever way to hijack the general lascivious depravity of the forum, and turn it into something pure, decent, positive and bee friendly .
Thankfully @rocko has stepped in. I sincerely hope lads appreciate his efforts in protecting claire, morality, prudishness etc.
And any possible harm to claire has been averted, and we can certainly get on board with that.

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We’ve stripped her naked. She has nothing to hide on here.

CB 1
PK 0

It’s just not a sensible title for a thread that’s often on the front page of the forum with people looking at TFK at work etc. It was brought to my attention before. Just look on it as helpful housekeeping as opposed to stringent moderation.

As ever, thanks for your feedback.



Who’s reporting it :smiley:

I accept your apology, and offer my own apology in reciprocation…and I agree with your reasoning- we cant have primary school children scandalised

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Have they ruled out poisoning from ateing foreign honey?


We are extremely lucky to have someone so helpful as yourself about the place unlike other useless cunt/s…… ( cc @padjo )

Honeycomb and yoghurt.

My gut fauna are all the better for it.

Your gut villi will stand to attention after that. I’d expect savage levels of nutrient absorption as a result of this.


It was also extremely misleading.

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@Faldo was the first man in, God bless him. That’s good enough for me.


That’s not really surprising.

Pretty much the same format with a lessor known personality.

I think the backend of Covid and people wanting to know where they stood was the catalyst to those ratings.

Pat Kenny was replaced by a news reporter and the ratings didn’t change much. You’d begoing back to Gay Byrne for an RTE presenter that was a stand alone draw.

Darren Frehill.


YFG Claire is the one we’d rather see interview certain individuals on a Friday night rather than Sarah (I couldnt give a fuck who they are) McInerney….