Claire Byrne 🐝

I’ve been pondering how best to fulfill @Fagan_ODowd’s beekeeping ambitions. As it happens a prime swarm decided to take up residence on one of my empty hives- they’ve been there a few days now and have commenced carrying in hapes of pollen, so they’re over the usual undecided phase and have started feeding babies. It’s also looking like another swarm are eyeing up another empty hive. I’m well chuffed, a large colony would set one back a few hundred quid this time of year.
Anyhow, i was thinking he should get himself a decent sized wooden box- something about double or treble the size of box his size 12 shoes come in. Drill or cut a one inch hole on one of the faces- preferably towards the bottom. Before securely securing the lid put a drop or two of lemongrass oil on the underside of the lid …towards the back. Put the box somewhere at least a couple of feet above the ground. Make sure the bees have a decent line of flight into the hole. I’d say he’ll have bees within a month


Happy World Bee Day @glenshane


Any update on Claire’s underwear?

Yes. A significant update.

And? We are all waiting a while to find out! I’d say its worth waiting for.

You need 100 posts before you can access it.

Fuck sake…now I’ll just end up posting innane shite just to get to the hundred post threshold…

We’ve enough lads talking about Cork hurling already thanks. Try a different approach.

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Some Travel Industry ‘expert’ just advised everyone to check for hotels on

Edit - and do a bit of batch cooking while you’re there to save on eating costs


Claire Byrne Live will be no more after Monday’s show.

To reiterate, the coming Monday’s Claire Byrne Live show will the final one EVER.

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Elephant self storage going to be mothballing some amount of props


A victim of covid. No one watches anymore as fear pron is very 2020

Bono will probably be on to present a motorbike

Will be an emotional address from Clare to her people

Hopefully they’ll do a “best of” montage

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This is like when BDE gave Harry Kehoe the option to retire instead of being dropped.

What are the odds of her doing the last show from her shed?

Monday nights on tfk won’t be the same

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The final nail in the covid coffin.

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Unless monkey pox……

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Her 24 viewers must be fucking gutted