Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

usually we simply go for a refugee programme for a lad from limerick trying to get his life back on track after growing up in that county

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What did ye do with the hundred grand that JP gave ye in 2018?


It’s amazing how the media who were so anti Frank Murphy and the Cork cartel back in day are backing the cartel in Clare now.

Of all the posts to do it…

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He’s from Tipp.

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The Clare lads won’t know what to do with themselves if Ennis is classified as a city. All their lives, as Dalo often alludes to, they’ve peeped over the wall at Limerick, covered in muck and shit, muttering incoherently. They’ll need to revise “stab city” so they will.

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He had to go.

That Garry chap has previous for talking out of both sides of his mouth, hasn’t he?

Loughnane’s book had a piece about his carry on during the Colin Lynch affair in 98, if I recall correctly. He was all about Lynch. Loughnane & Clare being shafted and then changed his story when required to put up or shut up.

Something along those lines anyway.

I’d say you’re mixing him up with someone else.

The claim is supported in the book by an account of Clare businessman Tony Garry hearing a mobile telephone conversation, purportedly between a third party and Ó Sé, in Garry’s car. The passenger, who is said to be involved with Cork teams, was taking a lift to a match with Garry and is described as passing on advice from the above-mentioned official

Not sure is this the same Garry

That’s him.

In fact, was it Davy Stockbrokers he was involved in? Maybe he’s pulling out because that could be thrown at him in future debates?

It says exactly that in the piece @MountLeinster posted above.

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Is Romer a nutter or what?

Or did Davy exaggerate what was being said to him?

Both statements are at least partially true


You’re right, missed that bit.

It’s definitely the same person as 98, then.

The Davy Stockbrokers Tony Garry wouldn’t really fit the description of a “Clare businessman” to me anyway

Romer is daft but an honest sort and a very committed club and Clare Gaa man.

Davy completely exaggerated what was being said and was the first to start the verbals with the Clare sideline on the day which caused Romer to start a running monologue from the stand- things were already tense when Pat Fitz refused to hand over the Wexford team sheet to the Clare backroom team until about 5 minutes before throw in.

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Yup thats it.

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I believe Mallet was sent up to the stands to do a man marking job on Romer and was dispatched away with his tail between his legs