Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

Yes he promotes himself on Premierview alright.

Shane with a completely irrelevant reply under the guise of saying I know who you are and now a few more do too. A horrible useless cunt. He could have at least answered the man or ignored him if he had no opinion on Clare. He changed the subject because he knows he was caught out

And what harm the fella who he is outing has been outed umpteen times previously and couldn’t care less

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I believe @twiceasnice97 has his name in his Twitter bio; Shane engaging in some lovely whataboutery alright

Seems yer playing with live ammo so lads

I know who tan is myself but yeah the whataboutery is what riled me

Shane loves the sound of his own voice, you’d imagine

Tan needs to get a bigger printer

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His “ourgame” venture isnt bad in fairness.

The priest.

X 3 ???

True, but you can always sense his superior, smug “Tipp-ness”

TAN will never be everyone’s cup of tea but to be fair he gives his identity

I enjoyed watching him squirm after the Munster semi-final game Limerick had against Tipp I have to say :grin:

Verney is a good contributor with him. What he is trying to build there is more good than bad in fairness. They cover Christy ring games etc which is important. Credit him for that.

I do think he was talking up Limerick last year hoping we’d fall short though.

A bit hopeful to be expecting him to stick his oar in now, when he’s as overtly negative towards Clare as any media figure out there.
Kieran Shannon is the man with boots on the ground so to speak.

Isn’t romer the lad Anthony daly was boxing the Head off in a picture in paper few years back ?

That’s the man

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Who won?

Hi mate

Clare GAA reveals it had no oversight of club committee that raised €65,000

Clare GAA has revealed it had no financial oversight of a fundraising committee that raised tens of thousands of euros under former manager Davy Fitzgerald, despite GAA rules requiring it to either incorporate such accounts or to circulate them at its annual convention.

Last week Niall Romer, a member of the Clare hurling backroom team, said he had asked Fitzgerald, now the Wexford manager, about what had happened to money raised for the Clare supporters’ club between 2012 and 2015 at a match between the two counties last year. Fitzgerald, whose father, Pat, is the secretary of Clare GAA, had claimed he was verbally abused at the match.

In his recent autobiography At All Costs , Fitzgerald said “every single cent” raised by the Clare supporters’ club went to the senior and underage teams, and added: “I never took a single cent for myself.”

He said it made his “blood boil” when “smart arses” asked: “Where did all that money go?” Those with questions should “ask the audit committee” and “ask the county board”.

Last week the GAA set out the rules governing supporter clubs in a statement to The Sunday Times. “All entities raising funds in the name of the association should operate under the control of the relevant county committee, with their accounts incorporated into the county committee accounts,” it said. “If separate accounts are produced, they should be circulated with the county accounts at the annual county convention.”

The GAA said the rules had been in place since the 1990s and “the majority” of county supporters’ clubs had their accounts incorporated into their county’s annual accounts and were audited as part of that process.

However, Clare GAA said this was not how it worked with the county’s supporters’ club. In a statement issued by its public relations officer it said: “How the money is raised or who they get it from has nothing to do with the county board. As I understand it, the supporters’ club to which you refer was initiated in 2012 and had its own committee, and the intention was to raise funds in Ireland and the United States to help defray the costs for the Clare senior hurling team. It is my understanding [its] committee remained in existence from 2012 to 2015.”

It said that after Fitzgerald’s term as hurling manager ended in 2016, a new support committee was set up by the new managers, Donal Moloney and Ger O’Connor, with the same objectives. “The current (historically and present) supporters’ clubs are outside of the Clare county board, and its audit committee. [They] are independent and accountable only to their members.”

Fitzgerald’s spokesman said he would not comment on questions about the Clare supporters’ club while a garda investigation was continuing into allegations that he and his father had been abused online.

The Sunday Times has seen an email sent from a committee member of the supporters’ club to a potential donor in October 2013. It said: “The whole ‘supporters’ club’ entity is a tricky one. We operate independently of the county boards and the GAA in reality. We are designed and set up to help the senior hurling team financially. Davy and a voluntary committee run
the supporters’ club and we are not only non-profit, we [are] also somewhat under the radar.”

The email said: “We don’t really want to go down the road of audits.”

The Clare supporters’ club involving Fitzgerald used the GAA and a sponsor’s logo on its fundraising documentation. It claimed to have raised €65,000 to spend on the senior hurling team in 2012 and 2013.