Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

JP would laugh his hole off at 65k

The Clare supporters club would also.

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Would they not go off and raise a bit more, you’d pick up that with a table quiz

In fairness, getting 5k of each of them was good going

I’d say the 65k is important as I would assume this came as specific donors from the US which can be traced back to source.

In all seriousness what’s the real issue here?

Are the Anti-Fitzgerald brigade claiming Davy was paid/took money during his time in charge?

As opposed to pretty much every inter county manager that ever was in the last 30 years?

The problem with that is they will likely be able to show what they spent 65k on , it would be a different story if they could prove how much was received from all donations.

Maybe but by this being out there you may well get others to come forward and verify how much they put into the pot during Davy’s time. Just like his earlier article it isn’t a means to an end and more so a slow drip to gather further information.

Also an unnamed PRO has been quoted and the email saying we don’t like audits - this will surely make some of the lackies uncomfortable.

Also interesting to see it only mentions 2012 to 2015 -maybe it’s a typo but Davy went all in in 2016 with a huge backroom team and expenses and did a big fundraising push for it - could be more to come.

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Omfg :astonished:


Are you ever going to grow out of that idiocy?

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If lads criticise Limerick they’re cunts, and if lads praise Limerick they’re cunts


And if you say fuck all about Limerick you’re still a cunt. Its a difficult balancing act, talk about them but dont praise them or criticise them.

I find it amusing the Clare lads here fuming about current structures when they have club mates continually voting the likes of Pat & Co into positions of power year in & out.

Now the top table maybe useless but it’s all driven along by the clubs and the lads that bat for them.

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God forbid if anyone does a fist-pump against them


Is secretary a role that can be voted on?

It’s an appointed position in Clare, as in plenty other

You really think a concerted effort from the clubs to move along a secretary is an impossibility?

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In a vacuum you are 100% correct but in the real world most clubs are struggling to get members to fill out their own committees as it is and the delegate role is not all that appealing meaning you have a lot of lifers and auld boys in these roles who are happy to attend county board meetings for a gossip and free sandwiches while a younger more ambitious person would end up banging their head off a wall in frustration.

As with anything when you have someone in a role for 30 years + it becomes heavily politicised and Pat has numerous clubs and delegates who will support him regardless. It takes time to topple something like this and clubs are getting their act together in this regard but it will be a slow heave especially as Pat hides behind his 7 year contract, cronies and 400+ page bullying dossier.

A few clubs have taken solo runs against him in the past and have felt his wrath due to it