Clare Gaa šŸ Thread mark II

Very true

But are the same issues not clearly evident in Laois like?

One man controls the keys to it. It is a very sad state of affairs. When the pitches were laid a detailed but straightforward maintenance plan from the vendor was given to the chairman and secretary - simple stuff about how often to cut, seed, roll, water etc nothing overly taxing.

They decided they knew better and treated some of the pitches as if they were a meadow which could just be topped a handful of times a year and the cuttings just left on them. When they finally tried to start using them a couple of years later they were already destroyed due to the lack of upkeep.

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Scandalous shit

Thatā€™s inexcusable in this sort of situation

Iā€™ll walk you around the Laois CoE some day, and we can have a chat after

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Iā€™m sorry but this doesnā€™t absolve the Clubs at all. They stood back and watched their money be pissed away. That article describes a piss soaked shithole rotting away for years. Thatā€™s dreadful.

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They havenā€™t beaten anyone bar KK. The standard in Leinster the year they won it was awful they beat the whipping boys and KK in final. A panel that was used to winning Leinster u21s btw. They didnā€™t hurl for 60 mins v Tipp either. They didnā€™t score a point from play in last half hour. Heā€™s a complete fraud

The Lk v Ce game in 2015 was as bad a Munster championship game as I ever saw .

Harsh enough tbh, a lack of tactical nous added to very weak sideline options all combined to the opposite sideline which swayed that game in Tippā€™s direction.

Im not referring to the centre of excellence. The kennels arent the only problem like?

You could make the case that Clare were poor/flat in every game in Munster under Davy. Even the one win under Davy it took them half an hour and the introduction of Peter Duggan to get going that day.

The Clare v Limerick qualifier in 2016 was an awful spectacle


Iā€™m talking about the piss soaked 5m shithole you have. We can discuss the development squads after if you wish but those are in hand now as well tbf.

Youā€™re comparing yourself to Laois btw, stand back and have a think about that.

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It wasnā€™t great and was a back door but 2015 was awful

Who else would I compare us to? Weā€™re fucking miles off where we need to be. Same as yourselves.

Weā€™re right about where weā€™ve always been. Youā€™ve won 3 All Irelandā€™s in the past 25 years. We have 1 in 130 odd.

Aim higher.

I think youā€™re overestimating where we are at or where you thimk we should be at. We could have been towards the top table but weā€™re not and weā€™re fading slowly.

Without Tony Kelly at present weā€™d be not far off Joe McDonagh contenders regardless of what many think. With him,some of the talented youngsters and a better setup weā€™re probably top 8 or so.

We had 1 or 2 good years in the past 4 in Munster and have had some good results but weā€™re waning and bar 2 good minor teams weā€™ve been wiped at underage since about 2014. Weā€™re firmly back in the pack and itā€™ll get worse before it gets better. Though Lohan is working well I believe.

Eddie Brennans comments to Parkinson reflect similar issues to what is seen in Clare if stories are to be believed.

:rofl::rofl: the Clare lads are seething that Davy went somewhere else a did a reasonable job. They couldnā€™t wait to get rid of their AI winning player and manager who they accused of ruining a once in a lifetime group of players. It has since been proven that Davy got the absolute maximum out of those players in winning the softest AI in history, the reality is once they got to Senior Intercounty level they werenā€™t all that. They should be on their hands and knees begging him to come back.


There is a case to be made that in his time as Clare senior manager you would struggle to name too many hurlers that actually improved under his watch. Honest athletic lads like Bugler and Cian Dillon maybe. The 2012 - 2014 under 21 crew arrived to the manor born for intercounty - David Mc, Conor Ryan, Kelly, Galvin, Podge, Cunningham, McGrath, Oā€™Donnell et al. Did any of them improve from what they were at under 21s and moloney/Oā€™Connor once they were in the full time guidance of Davy? There is no real compelling evidence to say they did.

I think you could argue that there has been more evidence of player development under one shortened year of Lohan than there was under five years of Davy despite the fact he was being handed far better raw materials to deal with.

Would any of the Wexford lads argue that their better hurlers from a technical perspective have improved under him or are at and around the same level as to when he took over? @Mac @Gman @Bandage

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Incorrect. Eddie Brennan was given a much better set up than Brian Lohan. Eddie wanted to spend bigger to go to another level and thatā€™s fair enough, but in comparison to the shit show Clare is, Eddie was being provided with Dublin levels of support.