Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

What are you getting so touchy about? Nobody is trying to have a hop off limerick, they are the standard bearers and we are miles off them and they are being held up as a benchmark. You’re a great man for inventing petty slights.

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You can just admit that you were making figures up, the same as Terence Fahey was. Honesty is important when you are asking people to donate money, wouldn’t you agree?? Didn’t Davey get castigated for that.

I know for a fact that Terence’s video did not go down well with a particular potential donor out in the US because it contains a lie at worst or an inaccuracy at best. People don’t like to be lied to or misled when being asked for money.

You were the one who brought up Limerick’s finances and lied about them mate, not me, so you shouldn’t be surprised if lies are pulled up on.

But again you seem butthurt that limerick have been mentioned here. Nobody is casting aspirations at limerick or trying to paint them in a negative light, but you are taking umbrage and looking for a row where there isn’t one to be had.

Not looking for a row at all, but surely you can’t expect us to simply allow blatant lies to be bandied about?

You enjoy your reputation on here as a knowledgeable poster. I’m doing you a favour. How are you supposed to have any sort of credibility if you’re just going to lamp completely false info dressed up as fact around the place. Such as Terence did when he was asking people to give Club Clare money?

You’re not a spoofer sure, are you?

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I don’t need favours from you to be honest. From what I know the 200k figure looks to be an accurate one for what is spent on Clare hurling teams aside from the seniors. The figure posted by Jahan would support that given the typical spent on senior teams.

Maybe the limerick figure isn’t correct, but that wasn’t really the point which was at hand here at all at all. But you got your petty shot in I suppose

:thinking: Am…you literally used the (incorrect) Limerick figure to give context as a comparison to the Clare one. But it doesn’t matter that it was outrageously exaggerated :laughing:

Clare actually spent €6k more than what was spent on Limerick underage Hurling teams in 2021*

1m v 200k is a big difference no matter what it was on specifically. Trying to argue the toss about a genuine error made by a poster can’t deflect from that.

Limerick spent 15k in 2021 on physio bills, Clare spent 19k*

Clare spent 7k on travel expenses for their hurlers in 2021, Limerick spent 5k*

There is a thin veneer behind it that someone might make an inference so they want to get the defence in early. Lave em off

Maybe the considerably more funds Limerick receive at development level means their players don’t need as much physio due to better conditioning

Your credibility is absolutely shot. A spoofer and a liar. Like Terence. Lying in order to get a few quid out of people for Club Clare.

Oh dear, looks like I slipped past the veneer. Sorry pet, didn’t mean to upset you

You’ve been destroyed and exposed as a complete spoofer.

And I’ll never allow you to forget it.

Very sad to read, I have always enjoyed the bonhomie with the limerick lads on here. Oh well, you can’t have it all I suppose

Stop telling lies and talking shite we’ll get on just fine :man_shrugging:

If you had anything about you, you’d just admit that you (and Terence) were completely wrong with your “facts”. It’s not that difficult mate.

Credibility is important. Ask the donor out in the US who has changed his mind about donating to Club Clare based on Terence’s “facts”

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You have a big chip on your shoulder. Ye won’t close the gap in the next twenty years as ye don’t have the gumption. Clare people barely support their county, the greatest shower of bluffers you are likely to find. The Limerick success is a craw in here throats and it will be for a long time. Keep fighting indoors and looking over the border and you will be just fine.

Clare actually have a great chance of closing the gap. Have good underage talent and the blood letting that will happen in the coming years will be a bit like ourselves around 2010. It’ll be a line in the sand.

Lying to everyone when looking for fundraising and pushing false narratives won’t help them though

Again I already said that I was mistaken if the figure quoted for limerick wasn’t excluding seniors but I will reiterate that isn’t really the point here yet you seem very put out over it and continue to belabour it. Nobody is having a dig at limerick but you are completely overreacting for some bizarre reason.

Is there something else at play here? Are you annoyed that I have a preference for TDB over Hannon or do you feel I don’t give limerick their due credit or something? Because your reaction here is bizarre

They have good underage talent, it is not In doubt. I have no worries understanding they will fuck it up as they have done for the last 7/8 years.