Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

Now lads, I can’t stay around here all day running rings around ye. I’ll have to love ye and leave ye and head for pints.

If it’s any consolation, I’ll be shouting for the Banner this evening. Up Clare! :laughing: :pint:

Another lie, another piece of misinformation.

I quoted figures I saw presented - I didn’t embellish anything - when told that they weren’t correct I accepted that yet it is being used as straw man for limerick lads to have a pop for other reasons by the looks of it.

Alls fair in love and the internet

Sorry I didn’t mean that as a direct quote - you seem to struggle with those.

The very next post I made after you said the limerick figure were wrong was the below

“Maybe it was 1 million v 200k including seniors so….” You would swear I’ve dug my heels in here and am arguing the toss on the limerick figures - it is secondary to the point I was making but you are fixating on it.

Conlon togged

Looks like it will be a high scoring game, hardly a tackle so far

11 points apiece midway through the second half. Cork pulled back the three point half-time lead, but Clare seem to have steadied it now.

Podge wins a pelanty now

Kealan nails it

1-11 to 0-11

Is he raising a gallop this year? An enigma for Clare most of the time

Playing good stuff for Trinity by all accounts. Ah he’s on the go a long time tbf, he has spells when he gets stale but his best is as good as what we have

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Scuttery Cork goal :confounded:

Cork a point up in injury time

Dan Walsh levels with an airball effort :muscle:t2:

Brian Hurley with a free 45 out to win it…

Mark Cronin takes over…

A draw it is. 3 from four points is a decent start.

Roscommon away next

E Quilligan

R Hayes
C Cleary
P Flanagan

D Ryan
J Browne
D McInerney

J McCarthy
P Donnellan

C Malone
J Conlon
R Taylor

S Meehan
D McMahon
M Rodgers

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Just catching up on that clown @Breaking_my_balls having a complete meltdown in here last week

Best stand in Cusack Park?

Good to see Conlon back, a great player.

Clare look to have a more than decent set of forwards for the next few years.

Just can’t understand the continued persistence with Jack Browne. A liability every time he steps on the pitch, multiple frees conceded every game together with the compulsory yellow card.

There is only seating on one side, the far side as you come in is more of a covered terrace, but you’ve more comfort there anyhow generally

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Keep trying mate, you’ll get there eventually

Bringing the missus who wouldn’t be the maddest on standing. Looking forward to Ennis and the match, great league games there last few meetings.