Clare Gaa 🐐 Thread mark II

Limerick & Dowling will pay for this in spades yet you’d fear.

You reckon Cummins will go for us next?

Depends on what video evidence the Producers & Dowling highlight for him.

It’s actually amusing that the man on the inside could actually end up costing Limerick if they misbehave going forward.

(Never thought I’d say this but) I stand with Clare.

"We don’t want to be highlighting this kind of thing on the Sunday Game Des, but… " well fucking don’t then lads. Maybe Brendan was just given a list of things to highlight by the producers and is a patsy in all this.


Disgraceful these lads shouldnt have been banned. Good hard hurling thats what we need. Not fellas woth tattoos rolling around or corkies pulling off helmets


I might change by social media pictures to ones with a clare flag filter in solidarity if these bans are true. At least it isnt Tony Kelly

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Clare should take this to the DRA. Will Pat release the funds though?

The Big House wanted those incidents highlighted it seems. Why always us?

He won an all star at wing forward and played there for practically his entire career you gowl.


It was ye’re lad done them in

Was there a video of the photo that’s being passed around on Twitter of Seamus Flanagan ?

Explain please

Were the refs who failed to send Gillane off for 2 red cards admonished also I wonder?
It’s outrageously selective application here. 1998 again without the Munster title to fall back on

There has always been a distinction made between issues dealt with on the field by the referee and those which were missed.

The incident/s with Gillane were deemed to have been dealt with on the day. Whether or not the referee issued the appropriate sanction or not is irrelevant and cannot be revisited retrospectively


It would most likely have been discussed at a referees meeting afterwards like all contentious decisions are.

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Here is the video. Nothing really in that.

This will galvanise Clare.
At least they only miss the Wexford game and they’ll be back for the semi-final.

Hearing TK out as well!