Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

So diving in hurling is to be encouraged now?

There needs to be heavy retrospective punishments for players and teams that participate in that shite.

It’s pretty obvious that Loughmore were completely rode this weekend.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Ballygunner get a series of “50/50” calls go against them in the final.


Handle thru Luceys face guard.


Just appoint Fergie and the job is oxo.

Ballyhale’s goalkeeper Dean Mason pretty much made sure the O’Loughlin Gael’s sub got a red card in the Kilkenny County Final a few weeks back and there wasn’t a word about it. Not that i have any issue with him going down after getting a bit of a jab.

There were Tyrone players waving imaginary cards to get Michael Murphy sent off earlier in the year. Happens all the time.

The vilification of Ballygunner is completely over the top here. They’ve played enough big games over the years to be shown as pretty good sportsmen on the whole and have generally taken their beatings with good grace over recent years anyway. Games like the Munster Final in 2019 spring to mind when with time just up and them in a good position with possession to find a leveller, referee Johnny Murphy blew it up.

Great, have them all face hearings on retrospective discipline stemming from both the action(strike) and reaction(dive).

losing narrowly doesn’t justify you turning into a cunt to win. As I said I’d rather lose than win doing what they did. Fucking shameful stuff

you can justify anything with that win at all costs mentality and it’s complete and utter bullshit. You’ll win nothing ultimately carrying on like that because it’s a pure sign of weakness. Instead of fighting to win you’ll cheat.

I hope Kilmallock absolutely destroy the cunts


I missed the game. Anyone have video footage of the offending passages?

East or West ???

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You usually find words like this to be completely hollow when its people’s own teams that do it and get away with it.

It disgusts me whenever anyone does it. Niall Moran did it to Brendan Bugler below in Thurles one year against Clare and I nearly had a brain hemorrhage with rage and mortification.

Thankfully it’s only isolated incidents in Hurling but with attitudes like the last day and people defending it it’ll become the norm.

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The amount of hypocrisy you see on it here on a daily basis is through the roof.

People will show faux outrage about the manner in which other teams go about their business but then suddenly not care about it when it’s their team that does the underhand tactics.

Competitive sports means teams will bend the rules to do what it takes, I accept that. What annoys me is the double standards and in many cases this comes from the officiating and media who vilify certain teams and ignore the transgressions of others.

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What Tiernan McCann did is diving. The Ballygunner lads didn’t dive. They went down in accordance with the way they were illegally hit.

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like this @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy ?

You’ve nailed this cunt just before he posted anyway :smiley:

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Next lads will be saying Enda Gormley dived when Niall Cahalane punched him in the jaw from behind.

There are some lads here who probably think Mark McGovern dived.

Yup exactly like that.

Cheating is cheating, players will do what they do to win. It’s the nature of the beast in competitive sports.

What will dissuade is fair officiating across the board. I’ve seen numerous players take embarrassing tumbles across the years either trying to win frees, penalties or get opposition players sent off. Rules need to be made to clamp down on this, referees need to be consistent on it, media commentators need to be consistent on it and not just to throw shade.

Michael Shields
Aidan O’Mahony
Enda Lynn
Michael Lundy
Tiernan McCann
Johnny Cooper
Aidan O’Shea
The Donegal keeper
etc etc

McCann was absolutely vilified though and they even tried to change the rules to ban him. My point is that all the hand wringing from the usual suspects is not very sincere and quickly forgotten when it’s their own players acting the maggot.

I disagree with you, players have the ultimate responsibility with how they behave.

And there should be deterrents there if they engage in underhand tactics but players will bend rules and push boundaries to win.

As the old adage goes - nice guys win nothing. The only way you stop it is through consistent enforcement of rules which clamp down on this behaviour across the board.

I think that was mainly down to the way his perfectly coiffed hair flopped about when he took his swan dive.

So McCann got vilified because he had a fresh haircut where everyone else gets a free pass to roll around the floor clutching their face when there was contact nowhere near it?

Correct. It’s covered under Rule 76.4 in the ‘Diving and Flouncy Haircuts’ section.