Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

If we are taking on Limerick with Ian Kenny and Peter Hogan, we may throw our hats at it.



I am sure Colm Bonnar will be thrilled to hear a few of his panelists will be itching to settle a vendetta from a game in the shit & muck the previous December

Colm Bonnar would have an issue against Ballygunner already going back years after he was run out of the place that time, before he even held a training session.

I don’t know I get that Paddy Leavy maybe made a meel out of it but he got a belt of a shoulder in the chest, caught off guard. You’d say something if it was a shoulder he was ready for, then it would be shocking. But surely Noel McGrath is running the risk of getting sent off if he’s slamming into Leavy like that?

It was Johnny Murphy. A hard look could get you sent off if it gave him a bit of spotlight. It’s absolutely bizarre.


My first time seeing that. Hardly a dive he got a good dunt

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He made a meal of it, but agreed he got a decent hit in the chest. I think the other one is the outrageous one

Will you give over. The OLG player who only came onto the pitch a few minutes before was solely intent on lowering the cutting bar. He was involved in a few incidents before the sending off. It was well deserved.

No need to slight Mason here.

Your Ballygunner bias in clearly impeding any rational hurling thinking in your head.

Its just a recent example of a players reaction contributing to a red card.

Mason had a delayed reaction to the jab from the OLG sub. Of course the OLG sub should have seen red and was acting the bollocks, but Mason definitely helped ensure he saw red. You can see it at 4.13 below. No issue with Mason at all by the way, he’s a brilliant keeper.

Leavy wasn’t even looking at NMcG when he got the shoulder to the chest and it was a fairly normal reaction to fall backwards to the ground. Why is it fair game that he has been labelled a ‘disgrace’ and ‘embarrassment’ over the past few days on radio, podcasts and online?

I don’t think he meant it but his hurley looks like it caught Leavy’s forearm too which would be sore.

Time to let it be now anyway. Its unfortunate for all concerned.

Ah no, keep going please. You’re losing any shred of credibility here, by the post.

The most nostalgic poster on the forum, who shites on relentlessly about the great teams of the past, the better players they were, that the younger lads used to be better, the days out used to be better, etc etc and yet you think both these incidents (which sum up everything wrong with the modern game) warranted red and second yellow cards…?


I never said both were sending’s off. I said Noel McGrath could have got away with a yellow but the blame being pointed in Leavy’s direction is completely unfair. He got a good clatter and was probably hurt.

John McGrath’s one was very soft and Coughlan obviously made a meal of it but you do what you have to, to win these games. BG have had 2 long years of hearing how they are soft, underachievers etc. (totally untrue btw), and were going to find a way a to win on Sunday by hook or by crook.

My main gripe since Sunday has been the Twitter/Podcasts/Radio shows outrage for the sake of outrage, that has been totally over the top and it would be nice if people took a deep breath before labelling players/clubs and officials with such derogatory terms.

I think most people generally accept I’m right on hurling being in a worrying state in the 17-24 age bracket but anyway I wont go into that here.

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I would say Noel’s was definitely not a red, it’s a classic yellow card. I don’t really think it was a dive either, as tbf, yer man wasn’t really expecting it and got a fair clatter into the chest. Have a certain amount of sympathy on Johnny for that one, the linesmen clearly made the call and I think it was the wrong one.

John’s one was soft but he only has himself to blame. You flick at someone with the hurley when you’re on a yellow card, and you’re only asking for trouble. Coughlan’s diving was embarrassing too; it would have been a very harsh straight red card but a second yellow… he can’t really have any complaints tbh.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a penalty be reversed for a throw-in before (pretty sure it wasn’t a penalty in the first place).


Dalo’s pod has spoken - all in the ‘No’ camp.
Lads are gone soft here.

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That’s the most accurate summing up of it that I’ve read.


+1. If he kept the head down and did nothing he had a penalty to bring it back to a one point game and potentially salvage extra-time where they’d restart with 15. Now you’d still fancy Ballygunnar when Noel couldn’t be involved but they would have been all over the place psychologically after throwing away a lead against 14 men.

It could have been a fantastic game 15 v 15.

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Ballyhale look very short of pace at the back. When Ryanagh’s ran at them they could not cope. I thought they were a certainty but now i don’t know.

Fair summary of the Noel McGrath one. Murphy wasn’t helped by the linesman and if he was told it was striking then he had to give a red. Don’t think it falls into the category of a dive by leavey either.

John McGrath was scandalously harsh. Not sure it was even a flick to the hand. The antics after it were piss poor. I’d say Ballygunner were bringing the attention to it in an effort to get the penalty over turned to a ball being thrown in. LC got creamed with the red card and penalty overturned in one go.

That was a brutal call on them.

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No, very little, but the main man for the hurlers is one of them.