Club Championships 2021 - is fulvio a cameraman?

Maher the Clough Balla full back is some size of a man

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He’s good

Class score by Hyland. He never lost it.

That could be a contentious point yet.

Amateur hour stuff here

That was a point. Correct decision even if it took an age.


Looked a point.

Clearly a point. Who’s the clown on commentary with Canning?

Ball looked like it disappeared behind the post which is a point.

Shane McGrath.

Shane McGrath, Tipp.

“You can’t see the ball go ‘missing’ which happens when it goes over’ as the tv director slows it down to a snails pace which shows the ball hidden behind the post as it went over. Dope.

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Rapparees playing brain dead hurling, launching high ball after high ball into full line, Maher at 3 gobbling it up time after time.

Wan wan from play.

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A lot of silly frees conceded by Rapparees. C/B are good value for this and should see it out from here.

Rapps really missing Nick Doyle in the FF line. He was so focal to their game plan in the club championship. They don’t seem to have a plan without him. Fair play to the Laois lads. Exposed the soft townie interior of the Rapps

Nah they’re together a lot longer than that, they’re just another form of Ballygeehan who who the All Ireland for Laois in 1915.

Fucking Baltic in OMP

That’s their first win in Leinster, and well deserved. Delighted for the likes of Darren Maher, Mick Mc, Willie Hyland Pickie, and Willie Dunphy. Be interesting to see how they go next day out.

Rapparees given no chance by the set up of their Club championship.


Darren Maher is epic back there

The Rapps aren’t sparing it

I don’t know how he gets these gigs.

He was commentating on a Kilruane McDonagh’ s match earlier this year (A team Shane trained for a year).

On the day there was a misprint on the match programme with Kilruane freetaker Willie Cleary mistakenly named as ‘Willie Clancy’. Shane kept referring go him as Willie Clancy for the entire first half until he had to be corrected at half time. Once corrected, Shane spent the entire second half apologising saying how great a lad Willie was when he coached him about 3 years ago. :man_facepalming:

Easiest money ever made.