Coach Klopp - dream maker


He only said what the world knows. He’s extremely biased…

so is the expectation that he cant ref Liverpool again?

It was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on any sports field. My godson started bawling crying watching it, poor little fucker is scarred for life. Klopp should be fucking arrested never mind a touchline ban.


You’re the LFC expert pal, you tell us .

3 referees in shropshire were battered on Monday, directly linked to Klopp imho

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A points deduction implemented at the start of next
Season is in order.

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yes, only refs that Klopp approves of should ref them from now on

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That would be great :+1:

also, if klopp lied about the audio, he should be sacked by the murderers

youd think that if PGMOL have such damning audio that they would release it

Liverpool will have questions for him also.

they will release it following the FA investigation

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy , thoughts on the below

no real opinion mate

@Ceist , if a football manager accuses a ref of bias, should the manager be punished & what would an appropriate punishment’s be?

would it be possible for that ref to referee that club again

Ceist replied, “Accusing a referee of bias without evidence is not acceptable and should be punished. The punishment could vary depending on the severity of the accusation and the impact it has on the referee’s reputation. It might be possible for the referee to continue refereeing that club, but it would depend on the specific circumstances and whether there is any evidence of bias.”

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would jailing the manager be an appropriate punishment?

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Ceist replied, “Jailing a football manager for accusing a referee of bias without evidence would not be an appropriate punishment. That would be an extreme measure that is not proportional to the offense. Instead, the manager could face a fine, suspension, or other disciplinary action depending on the severity of the accusation and the impact it has on the referee and the game.”

the shorter answer here wouldve been no, as its not a criminal offence and the FA is not a prosecutorial authority

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