Coach Klopp - dream maker

Man United didn’t win a league title until 1993 when he’d been there for almost 7 years. A European ban made no difference to them as they wouldn’t have been competing in the European Cup anyway.

Football was far more open and equitable back then so taking over a Man United team languishing in the bottom half of the table wasn’t as much of a hindrance as you’d think.

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Somebody throw up the Benitez meltdown and the
Time John o Shea scored the winner into the klopp.

It made a huge difference. English footballs reputation was in tatters thanks to the Liverpool fans.

Manchester United weren’t really at a lower ebb when Ferguson took over than Liverpool were when Klopp took over, in some ways they were similar, but Manchester United in reality were in a much better situation. They had won two of the previous four FA Cups and been perennial title contenders under Ron Atkinson but his tenure had run its course. Ferguson was able to patch up the squad and finish second in his first full season.

Manchester United were a money club. They were the richest club in the game even then and they spent big. But English football was not a money game then in the way it is now. Liverpool hadn’t dominated by being a money club, they dominated by doing things better than others for decades.

Then Ferguson nearly got sacked because United were dogshit in the league in 88/89 and 89/90. It was Mark Robins who saved him. At the same time, Liverpool were creaking and then Dalglish resigned and Souness butchered the club. There was nothing else in England. There was Arsenal but they were falling behind too. There was Leeds and Villa. Manchester United moved into position almost by default at a time when English club football was in a shocking state quality-wise. Ferguson bloody well took his time about it too. It wasn’t until 1992 that Manchester United became real title contenders and then 1993 to win it. Ferguson’s arrival coincided with Manchester United monetising themselves far and away ahead of the rest.

When Klopp came in, Liverpool had significant stumbling blocks to overcome. Money was the first thing. Liverpool were at best the fifth or sixth most monied club in the league. The 2013/14 team had rapidly disintegrated in the intervening 19 months and the playing staff was in a bad state. The words “transfer committee” were dirt to Liverpool supporters in 2015. Liverpool was a crisis club as it had been for 24 years.

Klopp rejuvenated Liverpool from the start and there was always steady progress. He rejuvenated players in the way Ferguson could not. He did it quicker. And he did it in the face of a much better opponent, a team so monied and dominant it was almost unthinkable they could even be challenged. Ferguson didn’t have to face that kind of opponent. As well as Abu Dhabi, Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham were all in better positions to be top teams than Liverpool were in 2015.

People come out with stuff like “Liverpool run a tight ship” or “Liverpool’s recruitment is smarter”. In reality everything Liverpool have done over the last eight years is because of Klopp. Liverpool’s house is in order because one transformative genius can sometimes transform everything. What looks like a house in order can quickly crumble once that genius goes.



Sorry kop

They did, astonishing achievement by Ferguson. Anderson was actually a fine player at times. City and Chelsea were in flux though. Evra, Vidic, Ferdinand and Rooney were something else.

I can’t find the Benitez meltdown.

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Christ I hope Klopp wins the league this year

Vidic was probably the greatest premier league defender of all time and nobody even knew his name when Fergie plucked him from obscurity.

Himself and evra made their debuts v city and got roasted. They never looked back after that. Some bargain when you see what city and Liverpool were paying for players at the time.

It would end a few lads

Klopp was Shankly. We have to hope Alonso can be Paisley.


It would be an unreal achievement with a team still in developmental mode. A dangerous side could ride the crest of an emotional wave.

Klopp to do a Paisley 1983 and lift the League Cup at Wembley in a few weeks time.

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Fitting given it’s only trophy he will win twice

A Joe Fagan would do either.

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The best wind ups are when you don’t need to exaggerate in the slightest and just list out facts. I’m chuckling away to myself here thinking about the Liverpool fans realising how little Klopp has actually achieved compared to that bullying cunt Ferguson.
I’m looking forward to reading the top ten achievements @peddlerscross puts together later when I’m having my cup of tea and a united bar.

The Benitez combustion was a personal favourite.

I can’t believe you actually think they are comparable as managers. :grinning:

I presume @peddlerscross list will be for Fergie’s first 8 seasons as a direct comparison to Klopps time?